~ s~9 `~ In Commleeionera' Lourt ) Spocial Tarn, June 19th, 1915. Kerr County ) BE IT ordered, by the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas that there le hereby levied fox the year 191b, on ell taxable property in what is known as the OemYart County Slue Cor.~unon School District No. S, of this County on the first day of January the current year the following tax: An Advalorem tax of and at the rate o3 15 cents on the X100.00 of taxable property in said District, estimated in lawful currency of the United States, to pay malntenance of public free schools therein. 3.fo -------- The following claims were approved and ordered paid ea appears by reference to the EIinutea of :,coounta of the Goruniasionere' Court Book 3, page b0: Claims Noe 4514 to 4623 inclusive. The Foregoing 3`7inutea from pages 177 to 178 inclusive were read and approved in open Court this 19th day of June A.D. 1915. Atte~(~t~ ~(.,~~~ County Clerk. County Judge. -ooooooooo------- STdTE OF TEIAS Oonnty of Sorr BE IT x$MistBBRED That oa thi• the ~Eh day of Jas/ 4. D. 1916, there was bogus and holden a 8peoiel Term of the Comedeoioasre' Court in iAd for %err County, Tszae, at the Court Home thereof in the town oY Serrville, Ssaee. OFP'ICEHS PRH6&NT Hoa. Les Wallace Oonaty Judge. 8. d. Barger ~ Commdesioasr Prooiaot Ho. One. Hugo Wiedeafsld Commissioner Preoinot Io. Three. 3.R.Iwavo]1 olel9c and J. T. Moore, 8hsriiY. The Court having been regularly opened, the Pollowlag prooseainge were had „ to-wit: ~ 3S) Is Oommiaeioasrs' Court,) Heaignation of 7wvi Surber, Coaetable of Preoinot No Serr County, Texas. ) The writtsY resigaetioa of Levi J. Barber, Coaetable of Preoinot Ho. E of Ysrr County, Tezae, oomiag oa to bs heard at this Bpsoial July Term •.D. 1916, filed is this OOart oa the 9th day of July 1916, It ie ordered adjudged and deoreod by the Court that the •ame bs aooepted, and that hs be rolisved iron all dntie• and oDligatioaa oS said ot$ ae. ~- ssa ------ In Commissioners' Court ) Elaation otYioera. 8err County, Texas. ) It is ordere8 that 8d. gahmidt and B. lr, Denton bs appointed ae tCleotioa Jadgee oY Preoinot Ho. eevss, lade Creek, and the said Hd.. be the Presiding Judge of said Preoinot. 353 ------ Claims inoluaive 2rom Boa. 4bE4 to 1629 imlueivs were approved and ordered psis ca appears )7~ im Comaieaioasrs' Yinntes oY dooonate, Ho. 8, Page bl.