3 `{' 9 `~ In Commie sionera' Covrt~ ) ) Special Term, June 19th, 191b. Kerr County ) 8E IT ordered, by the Oommiasioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas that there ie hereby levied for the year 1915, on all taxable property in what is known ae the Caminrt Coanty nine Corunon School District No. 8, of this County on the first day of January the current year the following tax: An :.dvalorem tax of and at the rate of 15 cents on the X100.00 of taxable property in said District, estimated in lawful currency of the United States, to pay maintenance of public free schools therein. 3.fo -------- The following claims were approved and ordered paid ea appears by reference to the Minutes of Scoounta of the Corunisaionere' Court Book 3, page 50: Claims Nos 4514 to 4523 inclusive. The foregoing Minutes from pages 177 to 178 inclusive were read and approved in open Court this 19th day of June :..D. 191b. - attest: County Clerk. aunty JuJudge. -------000000000------- BTAT& OF TEYAS Oounty of %err B& IT itBE¢F26SERED That oa this th1 81i~ day of Jw1,I A. D. 1916, there was bogus end holden a Speoial Tsrm of the Commleeloaera' Court in Fad Yor $err County, Tszae, at the Court Hones thereof is the tone of Serrvilla, Texas. OFFICERS PR&S&NT Hos. Zee Walleoe County Jndgs. F. A. %arger ~ Commieeioaer Preoiaot xo. Oao. Hugo Wiedenfsld Comaieeioaer Prsoinot 30. Three. ;J.R.Iwavoll alezk and J. T. Moore, Shsrift. The Court having been regularly opened, the following proosedinge were had „ to-wit: ~ 3S1 In Commiealonere' Court,) Resignation of 7wvi Surber, Coaetabls of Preoiaot go.8 Yerr County, Texas. ) Ths writtel~ reeigtatioa of 7,evi d. Surber, Coaeteble of Preoinot Bo. E oY %err County, Tezae, aomiag oa to be heard at this 8peoiel July Tesm •.D. 1916, tiled is this Oqurt oa the 9th dey of July 1916, It Se ordered adjudged and deereed by the Court that the tams bs aeoepted, and that hs be relieved from ell dntie• and obligatioae oY said ot~ oe. Ia Commissioners' Court ) Election oitioera. Serr County, Tezas. ) It ie ordered that Ed. 9ohmidt and B. N, Denton bs appointed ae Yleotioa Judgse of Preoinot Ro. Sevsa, Wulltle Creek, and the eai8 Ed. be the Presiding Judg• of said Prsolnot. 353 ------ Clalms inalneive from Hob. 4624 to 4b29 inelueivs were approved and ordered pa7t ae appears )7S Sa Commieeioaere' lliantes of Aooonata, Bo. 3, Page bl.