/ 79 The foregoing Yinutee en Page Ho. 178, sere read and approved in open Court this 24th day oY July A.D. 1916. /~ Attest: Conn y n~ge. County Clerk. THE STATE OF TEEAB, ) County- oY %err. ) ~ IT RE16E6C;BERED, That oa thin the 9th day oP August, 191b, there was begun shd holden a Regnls9 Term oP the Commissioners' Court in and for %err County, Tease, at the Court House thereof in the town of %errville, Terse. 0$FICERB PRESENT: Hoa. Lee Nallsos, County dodge. F. A. %arger, commissioner Preoinot Ho. 1. James Crotty, Commissioner preoinat Ho. E. Hugo Aiedeaiald, Commissioner Preeinat HA. 8. J. C. 81ag, Commissioner Preoiaot Ho. 4. J. R. Leaeell, Clerk, and J. T. Moore, SheriYi. The Court having been regularly opened, the Yollowing prooeedinge were had, to wit; ~ ~ 3s~ In Commissioners' Court, 1 August Term, 1916. Kerr County. ) August 9, 1916. Oa this day the Comniesionere' Court opened and oanvaesed returns of election held on duly 24, 1916, for the purpose oY voting on Constitutional amendments, whioh returns and reealte oP said election appears in the L~lecti6n Rettrn Book~Ho. 1, page 187. ~ fl355~ Ia Commissioners' Court, ) Avgnet Term, 1916. %err County. ) August 9, 1916. Claims were allowed ea will be shown is Minutes oY Aooounte allowed by the Commieeionere' Court Sa Book Ho, 8, pages bE-63, isolatllve. '~+ s{e Ia Commieaionarc' Court, ) August Term, 191b. %err County. ) Anguet 9, 1918. Petition filed by R. C. Alexander sad others Yor change in Honey Creek Road ie passed until the neat Hegnlar Term of this Court. pF ~ 35 `/ In Commieelonere' Court, ~ AugRet Term, 1915. S:err County. ) August 9, 1916. It Se ordered by the Court that A. J. 1[nrdook be and he ie hereby appointed to fill the naeapircd term of Levi J. Surber ae Constable Sa and for Precinct Ho. E, of onaty, Tezse, upon the filing of a bond ae regnlred by law is this Court. 3 $g ---------~°------- Ia Commiceioaere' Court, ) Aagnct Term, 1816• Kerr County. ) August 9, 191b. Application of Bem Yaehiagtaa for Janitorehip la •are of the Courthouse yard read and ooaeidered, and the same ie hereby rejected. 3 ~'9 THB BTATH OF TH%AB, ) i0onaty of Kerr: ) Anguat 8, 1816. Ca this the 9th flay of August, 191b, the Commissioners' Court oY Kerr County, Tazae, being boavened in a regular session at the court hones oY said county, is Kerrville, Tszaa, ell the members of said •onrt being present, to wit: lee Wallace, County Judge. F. A. Karger, Commieaioaer Prasiaot No. Oae. Jamse Crotty, Commiceioner Prselnst Ro. Two. Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commissioner Prcoinot Ro. Three. J. C. Sing, Commissioner Precinct Ho. Four, sad passed the Yollowiag order, to wit: Oa this day came oa to be hoard sad ooaeidered the pstitloa of James Cqtty sad over~flYty other peaces, who are reeldent property tea payers sad qualified voters oY g(31aRtion , .. prealaot Ho. Tvro of Kerr County, Tszsa, being a politioel enbdiviaioa of said County sad deemribed by metes and bounds ae Yollowc: Beginning at the 9. 8. oor. Precinct Ho. 1 at a point in Ssrs sad Beadera County line oa Bar. Bo. 1 •. H. 6 Y. about b00 vre. w. from Ste E. lice. Theno• 8. Z. with said County line to point about whore said County line iatereeota the B. i. line of 9nr. No. bl} Joe.Torree, Thence due H. to a point in IG. line of Bar. Ho• bL. Jaya Ynrray at the B. ^. •order oY a sub-divielon of eama. Thano• 8aet to B. &. corner said anb-divieioa. Thanoe 9. oroaeing Gnadelnpe River at 8. H. oor. 8nr. Ho. 33 Geo. I. Howard to a point is 8. line of acme at the B. B. corner oY a sub-divieiaet of eama, Thsao• T. to B. Y. oor. acid aub- division, Thsaos H. to H. t. corner eama. Thence B. to o~sor la ciao said Ro. 83 direot- ly W. oY B. w. oor. Bar. Bo. 396, loranala Cheeamaa. Thrae• H. to Bt. E. aoxa~er acid No. 33, Theno• in a R. westerly direction to a oor. oY Praoisot Yo. 1 oa Sur. Ho. 11E3, Theno• S. W. with the line of Preoisot Ho. 1 to the plae• of bsglaaiag, to be created into a road d1e- Oi'Sot of Kerr Coaaty, Tease, sad that bonds be issued by said Road Liatriot of Kerr County, Tezac. Sa the anm of FiYtsea Thouaead Dollars, bearing intsseat at the rate of five per esa om per ewanm asfl maturing twenty yearn from the data of the Seeusaos oY said bonds and rc- deemable at the eppiea~oY said Hoad Dietriot oY Kerr County, Tessa, at nay tlae after tea yearn from the date thereof, for tho purpose Of eanstruotln`, maiataialag, sad operating sasadamised, gravelei,:~er paved roads and turapikea or in aid thereof. And it appearing to the Court that ceid petition ie signed by more thou Yifty oY the resident property tea paydag voters oY the above and foregoing deeorioed territory oY Serr County, Tszae, sad that the ameglt of the boada to be issued will not eaooed one- tonrth oY the aeaeseed valuation oY the real property situated is Bald above described Kerr county, Tszea. ?a,.~ It is therefore eoaeidersd sad ordered by the Court, that the above sad foregoing oribad territory of Kerr County, Tezse, be and the eama ie hereby created a Road Dietriot be known aafl dscigaats8 ae Rosd Dietriet Ho. two oY xari County, Tezse. bad it ie Yurther ordered by the Court that as sleotiop be held is the said above d Road Dietriot Ho. two of asrr County, Te;w,gga titW ~,a~ dwl~ ez M7tembgF~ A.'b, ego