to till the naeapievd term of Levi J. Barber as ConetaDle Sa and for Preoiaot Bo. 2, of County, Tezse, npoa the Yiliag of a bond ae required by law in this Court. 3 $g _____________~-___ Ia Comrisaioasrs' Court, ) August Term, 191b. Parr County. ) August 9, 1916. Application of Sam Waehingtoa Yor Janitorehip is care oY the Courthouen yard read and ooasldered, end the same ie hereby rejeoted. 3 ~~g TH8 STATE OF T8XA8, ) County oY Sera; ) August 8, 1816. Ca this the 9th day oY duguat, 1915, the Commieaioaera' Court oY Kezr County, Tezse, being ooavetted iA s regular session at the aourt house oY eai8 county, Sa Earrviiie, Teaaa, all the members oY said court being present, to wit; Lee Wallace, County Judge. F. A. Saeger, Ooms;issioaer Preeinat So. One. Jemse Crotty, Co~ieeloner Preoinst No. Two. Hugo Wiedsafeld, Commissioner Pssoinot Bo. Throe. J. C. Sing, Commissioner Preoiaot DTo. Four, and passed the following order, to wit: Oa this day earns oa to be hoard cad oonaiflersd the petition of James CWStty sad over fiYty other persons, Mho are realdent property tax payers sad qualified voters oY d6laatioa , ~ 8raniaet Ho. Two of Kerr Gouaty, Teaas, being a political enbdiviaion of said County sad deaoribed by metes and bounds ae Yollows: Beginning at the e. B. oor. Preoiaot Ho. 1 at a goiat la Serr sad sanders County line oa 6nr. Ho. 1 A. B. 6 Y. about b00 vre. W. from its 8. 11ae. Thence 8. B. with said County line to point about where said County line interseato the 9. W. line oY Bar. 80. Bl} Joe.TOezee, Thaaoe due S. to a point is w. lice of Bur. So. 64, James Murray at the S. W. corset of a sub-divieioa of same. Theme beet to 8. B. Dorset said sub-divlaion. Thenas H. crossing Guadalupe 81ver at 8. 8. nor. ear. Ho. 33 Geo. I. Howard to a point is B. line oY same at the 8. 8. Darner of a sub-diviaioa oY same, Theaoe W. to B. W. oor. Bald snb- divieioa. Thence H. to 8. W. corner same. Thettos 8. to corner is line said So. 33 direot- iy W. of 8. W. oor. Sur. Io. 396, Freaois Cheeemaa. Thsmoe N• to H. E. Dorset geld BTo, 33. Thence Sn a B. westerly diseotioa to a oor. 03 Preoiaot No, 1 oa Sur. 80. 14E3, Thence s. W. with the line of Yreoinot 80, 1 to the place of beglanisg, to be created into a road dis- Lriot of Kerr county, Tease, sad that bonds bs issued by seed Hoed District of Serr County, Tszsa, Sa the sum of FiYteea Thonsaad Dollar, bearing ints~reat at the rate oY Yiva per oent- nm per annum and msturiag twenty y~are from the data of the 3esueaas oY said bonds and re- deemable at the epploarai seed Hoed District oY Sarr County, Tszae, at say time after tea years Yroa the date thiSeef, for the purpose of aaaatrnoting, asiataiaing, cad oparatisig macadamised, gravelei,:-sr paved roads and turapikee or is aid thereof. And it appearing to the Court that said petition ie signed by more than Yifty oP the resident property tea 7mydn8 voters oY the above and Yoregoiag dssorioed territory oY S1M County, Tszas, and that the ampp}t oY the bonds to be Saened will not eaoead one- tonrth of the seeeseed valnatloa of the real property situated in said above dseosibed +~;˘zitory~ef Kerr county, Tezea. It is thersYose ooasidared sad ordered by the Court, that the above sad Yoregoing ~~ deaoribed territory of Kerr County, Tezss, br and the same is hereby created a 8oad District ~" to bo known aafl desigaeted as 8oad Dietriat Ya. two of Kerr County, Tease. dad it is further orders$ by the Court that as sleotlop be held is the said above dseosibsd Road Dietsiet Bo. two of Yerr Cosaty, Teaaa, ps t,~s ~,4q deP K N?tamb~eF~ a.'A• ego