/$I 1916, whioh ie not lees than thirty days Prom the date of this order, to determine whether or not bamde oY said Road Dietriot Ro. two oY Kerr County, Texas, shall be Saened is the amo~t of Fifteen Thousand Dollere, bearing interest at the rate of Yive per oentum per annum and maturing twenty yearn Prom the date thereoY and redeemable at the option of said Road Dietriot Ro. two oY Kerr County, Tease, at any time after ten years from their date, sad whether a tea eh all be levied upon the property of said Road Dietriot Ro. two oY Barr County, Tease, enb~eat to taastion, for the pnrpoae of paying the inters et on said bonds and to provide a sinking Yund Yor the redemption of said bcmde at maturity. Rotiae of said eleatioa shall be given by publioetion is a newspaper published in said Road Dietriot Ho. two oY said Kerr Conatty, Tease, for four eaaceaeive weeks beYore the date of said eleotion and in addition thereto notioea oY said eleotion shall be posted np at three pnDlio places in said Woad Lietriot Ro. two of Kerr County, reaes,and~onb aatloe'oY sai4 sleatlm shall be posted at the Court House door oY Barr Covnty, ~teasa, Yor three weeks prior to the data of said eleotion. It ie fttrther ordered by the Court that said election shall be held at the Pollow- ing pleoe in said Rocd Dietriot Ho. two of the County aforesaid, to wit; At the Guadalupe Valley Bank in Center Point, Tease, the renal voting place of election Preoinot Ro. Zwo, and being the only voting preainot within the boundaries of said Road Dietriot 1Po, two of said county; and James 9ellera ie hereby appointed manager of said eleotion at the Center Point voting boa. Said eleotion shall be held under the provisions of the ueneral ],awe of Texas, and the returns of said election shall be made se now provifled for making returns of eleotioae for the purpose of determining whether aonnty bonds shall be iaened. 111 persons who :;re property tea-payers and who are qualified •leotora residing within said Road Dietriot IIo. two oY Kerr County, Tessa, shall be allowed to vote at said eleotion and all voters desiring to support the proposition to issue bonds eh all have written or printed an their ballots the words "For the iaeuanae oY bonds and the levying of a tea is payment thereof", and all those opposed to the proposition to Seaue bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots the words "Against the ieananoe oY bands and the lovyirg oY, s tax in payment 9heretar." • oopy of this order signed by the County Judge of the County aforesaid eh all serve ae a proper notioe oY said eleotion and the County Judge ie direotefl to oauee said notioe to be published in a aewepe}per in said Road Dietriot Fo. two of %srr County. Tease, for Pan enooeaeive weeks nett preoeding said eleotion sad oauee a notioe thereof to be posted at three pnblio please in said Road Dietriot Bo. two of i[ai8 County and one notioe at the Court house door thereof, Yor three weeks prior to the date oY said eleotion. In Commiaeionere~ Court, Angaet Team, 1916. 8err County. ) August 9, 191b. Appllastioa of Oeoar Asnahoeffsr to bs appointed Jnetio• of the Psaes la and for Jnetioe Preoinot Ro. S,read and eoneidered, and same passed until a petition signed by enYficieat number of oitieena residing within •sid Jaetie• Preeinot to ~netiSy sad authorise the Court to appoint a Jnetiee oY the Peaoe for avid Preoinot.