~ Hp. In Commleaioners' Court Osoar ktauoh Barr County. ) Lunacy Case It Se ordered that the following fees be allowed th`A~offioera for services in matters of Lx Parts Osoar Nauch Cause Ho. 384, to wit: County Judge $3.00, Clazk $3.00, Oounty Attorney $b.00, eaoh of the eia Commissioners $E.bO to ba paid out of the Advalorem Pond. The Pare going minutes Prom Page 189 to 193 inoluaiv a and the above part of this Fe.ge were read and approved in open Court this 9th day oP November,+1/916. `' Attse FQQ County Judge. # ~3~3 COUNTY JUDGE'S 0~2DNR. THE STATE OF TEXAS County of %err iHL`,HEAS, on the 17 day of Hov. 191b a petition was presented to me Por an elaotion in Common School District Ho. 3 of this County on the question of authorizing s taz oP and at the rate !f E6 oente on the $100 valuation of t6asble property in said Dietria for the purpose oP supplementing the State Sohool Fand apportioned to said District, said petition bearing the requisite number of elgnaturea of property tazpaying voters of said Dia triat, and being in every reapeot in conformity with law: How therefore, I, Lea 9Pallsoe, in my oapaoity se County Judge of $err County,Tezgs do hereby order that an election De..heIfl On the E9 day of Dec.1916 at Sunset School House in 6aid Common Sohool District Ho. 3 of this County ae eetabllahed by order of the Commissioner ' Court of this County, of date the Ed day of Yaroh 1914, whioJt is raoordad in Book G page 87, 89, 90, 91 of the minutes of said Court, to determine whether a na~orlty of the legally qualified voters of that District desire to taz themselves Por the purpose of supplementing the State Sohool #und apportioned to said Dlstrict, and to determine whether the Commission Court o! this County shall ba authorized to levy, sa9eea~snd oollact annually a tae of and at the rate of 26 cents on the $100 valuation of taaable iroperty in asid Dlstrict for said purpose. Tom Duderetadt is hereby appointed Presiding Offioer for asSd~~.Qlection, and he ah select two ~udgea and two olerka to assist him in holding the same, and he shall, within Pi days after said elaotion has boon held, make due return thereof to the Commissioners' Court of this County ae is required Ly law for holding a general elaotion. The ballots for said •leotion shall have written or printed thereon the following: "For School Taz" "Against Sohool Ta:." All persona,who are legally qualified voters of this State and of this County, end who era resident property tazpayere in said Dietriot shall he entitled to vote at said eleation. The 3herifP of this county shall give notice of said elaotion by posting three AOtte00 at three publio planes 1n the said Dietriot Por three weeks Be Pore the election. Dated the E9 day of Hov. 1915. ,. ~` :. Lae Nallaoe County Judge 8err County, Tease. ~'~~