/9S !~~ THB 9TAT?; CF TE7[AB, -- dOIINTY OF KF.4H. B I^ _i N:f:fiSMB;;t7 uD, Th at nn thi.^, the 14th da:;r of P'ebru•~r,r A.D.191P,, there was begun and holden a Hegulir Terra of t?•.e Co~amissinners' Court in and for Kerr County, Texts, at tho Court House thereof in the torn of Kerrvillo, Texss. OFFIC~R4 P33S ~".dT: Hon. Lae 'Aal]~~ce, County Judge, F. 1.Esrger, Co!aninsinner o£ Yrac inct No .1, J~rmes Crotty, Co!n:nissinnor of Precinct No.2, Hugo '7ledenfel.d, Commissioner oP Precinct No.3, J.C.Sin~, Cnsmi^.si.nner of Precinct No.4, J.H.Leave'''. , nnnnty C1er'r, sod J.'1'.nloore, Shoriff, i'F.e r,,n-t r --- r.t,een reg~tasr7;,. nrene;l tl~.e fnl'~.wi.!~ proceedings were had, to-r:it:- No :84 :iccoun+,s ill^~:+ed: Tho fnllor:ing ci yin.: '::er~i ~rr!~r wed !rr7 nrdere• a n~a { t ~ ~ ~ Y„pa ire ry re fereur.e to tite ?finutes of 9ccount: of tf:e Crv~mi ;sinners' Court Book 3 ps~e 59, rl-eims Nns. 4oA0 to Inclnnive. No . D5 Ia Crn¢:ds.sionars' Court, ) Febru +ry Term, 1916. Kerr County. 1 qu,zrterly Hepoert:: of officers. . The q:r.rterly ro.,orts oP J.Z. Leuven, Dfstfict'Ole;1;, F..H.^.urner, Jur.t ice ,T tho Ponce Precinct No.l, .nd Osesr ftennhoefPar, Su ~~tice of the Pe,ice ~::ithin •cnd for nr ec ia~t No.3, 1'err Count 7, Ter:ae, were examined and ihproced. No. 86, Order decl tring result of an ;:7 nctinn, ?'obru ,r; 15th, 1910 On thi.^. d~zy case on *,^ hn cnn-idrred th^. re tnr:zs n° ~an .alect{~a h,:.d cn the 29th dn+ n^ Dae amber, ].916, in Cnmr!nn 6cho~1 Metrict Nn.3 n£ P.err Co uu Ly uh~o_t Lhe queati~n n` sunnl^,ment i~l~~ tl:e St•1te 3chnol Hund snnnrtioar~d to a.{. ;1 Di ctr:et for t::e surnort ~iud msintenn.nce of public free sc hnol^ thereon, `~;r levyin€ aad cnllectinF- ,nnuslly 2v cent^. nn tho X100. 00 vnlu:zti nn na :Il t.x•.:ble {-rn; r;..r In s dd District. 4n3 it 3npe .ring tl: ,t ..,^;d e'_~.mtinn -'as iu ~zl.', respecte le~:ill.:.~ he13, :ad td:a :rtil ret'arna were d~~ay and lee_lly made aad that the=re •,^ere ca.;t at sz19 election 15 vnt~~:;, n-f which number there .r.gpp e st: For Sc!i ^.ol Tax, 14 votes. A~•iinat 9cl:ool Tnx, 1 vote. .ind it ir.ne :.rin~~ t•. the Cnnrt $nm :::id rntnrnr. thet .a mu~nrity if the quali Tied property tax pn:rin~ vnterc. of sad District vnti;ih at ^.aid election voted in f•avnr of and for s•+id tux, the Court does hereby declare the said tax to have c•irried in s;id District,