/P9 Las Wallahs County Judge. ' F. A. Karger, Commiaaioner Precimt No. 1 Tames Crotty, Commiaaioner Precimt No.E Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commiaaioner Precinct No. 3, J. C. Sing Commiaaioner Pr ec itfot No. 4. Sworn to axxl aubso rib ed to before me thla 15 February 1916. J.R.LGavell Coun $~ Clerk, Kerr County, Tsxea. No. 88 %err Coun tg. Paying I=it •re at and Redeeming cart stn Bnnda. The Coun18 Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay all inters at du• on outstanding Bonds, on April 10th, 1916. Rood further order to tak• up and pay ofY 1 Court Houa• sod Ja71 Bond No. 19, for ~b00.00 and Six Road Diatriot No. 1, Bonds for ~GE00.00 each, and 1 Court Honae $epair Hond Ho.9a, Noa. 88-89-90 & 91 Kerr County. Paupers for Quarter. The followirg named persons are allowed '4.00 eaoh der month for the months of F ebruary Maroh ead April, to wit: Mr e. John Story, Mra. D. Raien, ]Gra. J. M. Dowda, Jaoob and Jesse Reinhardt, John Coul Mra. Gilman axd Miaa Gilman, Mra. Ada Joy, Mra. E. Ei. Norton, and Frank Wawra, to be paid sa under former orders of this Court. No. 92 Kerr Couat~r. Paying Bounty on W11d Animals She State of Texas, ~ In banmisaion~c Court, Regular Seaaion, County of Kerr ) February.Titnn, 1916. To Boa. H.B.Terrell, Comptm ller, Austin, Teaaa. Dinar Sir:- The Yollowing amounts have been paid out for Soe1p Bounties by thin Court at this Teen sa per Itanitsd Statement given belrnr, by authority 8 the Soslp Bounty Law, peaaed by the Regular Seaaion of the 34th Legislature, 1916. 1 Wd~Zd Cata )Jack Rabbite Tota icher To Whom Paid When paid Wolves at ~E.00 ) at ~1..OC~-1 at 5o Eeoh amo Mo. dqp ye ar No. Am 't paid I Ha3 Am't pd.~No.am't pd. due 7261 Louis Bundlok 2/14/16 1 1.00 1.00 7282 Otto Baaa 2/14/16 2 2.00 2.00 7263 William Boerner 2/14/16 E 2.00 2.OC 7264 F.F.Breazeale 2/14/16 1 1.00 1.00 7266 Leonard Byas 2/14 /16 }--}.08 1. 1.00 1.00 7266 W.a.Clark ~ 2/14/18 2 2.00 1 1.00 6.00 7 E67 J.W.Caddell 2/14 /16 E E.00 2.00 7868 J.A.Coffee 2j14f16 1 2.00 2.00 7269 Hubert Caxaon 2/14/16 3 3.C0 3.00 7270 H. 0. Cade 214 /16 1 1.00 1.00 7271 Tom Dudsrstadt 2/14/16 1 1.00 1.00 7272 Dewitt Dubose 2/14/16 4 4.00 4.00 7273 Adolph Goldman 2/14/16 1 1.00 1.00 7274 Walter Grona 2/14/16 1 1.00 1.00 7275 J.3.Fnlfer 2/14/16 3 3.00 3.C0 ~,"`.