ao~ Ao. 93 %err County: Road Overseers, Comr's Pre.$4, meby 15th,1916. It is ordered by tt:e Court that A.I:1.Terry };e upnninted to serve until the first rep ular meeti:tg of the Cmtrt o° the ye :r 1917, nr until the ap~: ~o int~~ent of his successor, aS overseer, of !teservati ~~n rn ~. in ftn nd Precinct Ian .4, v:h ich i^ bnnnded as roll~-a. PeFinning •tt F.^.3sgland's place on ?Cerrvil l.e an3 Junction rosd up Dry Brtn'tch to iteservstion. ~r3~~ It is order ~=d by the Court that ':^.H.Furr, he ~sr,r~o anted to serve until the fir^t rerul•ar meettag of thn Court of the Jens 1917, or until the tp}nirtment of his successor, e.^. aversaer, nY Kerrville tad 3neksprings lto ad, Yr rnn Sharm~m's 11 site to the Cmzn ty liner in road Precinct No.4. 3F .3 ~ ~ It Sn ordered by tho Court that 0.A.2odgers, be appointed to serve until the first regular meeting of the Co art of the year. 1917, or until the sr~point:nent n£ iris succesaor, as overseer, of Kerrville and Junction itoal, from ingr~i;n, texas, to the County lines in tto sd Yrecinet fto.4 $~ 3 ~~ It is nr dered by the Crnirt thst P.F .Morr itt, i;e an!o anted to serve until the first reculir meeting of the Court of the year 1917, or until the of his succes snr, as overseer, of Kerrville and Le~~ke,y Bnad £rnm Shermsn's hill 2ite tr, the Cnn.tty lines in Nnad P-recin~t No.4. 3 ~ 7 It i:: ordered i,y the Court that J.F.ftichnls, ie ap~n inteP, to serve until the first rogul sr meoting of the Court of the yesr 1917, nr until tho arpnintme.~t of 'as successor, as overseer, of Coat Creek and Kerrville !to sd and Goat Creek and Ingr am 3oad in Ito ad P-:-ecinet ao .4. 37~ it is or dere3 b,7 the Court that J.0 .2dc ".ie sly, be snuainted to serve until the first regular meoting of the Court ~f the year 1917, or until the spp-intmeat of hip suecaaor, s:; overseer, of the Hond er son Br~inch tto :d, fr im mouth of liendcrson Branch to Count.g line, in Road Precinct No .4 x,37 9 It 1:: ordered by the Court th^t L.A .Leine:eber, be appointed to serve until the first regul•ir meetinE n`, the Court of the yesr 1917, or u:~til the sprointment of his successor, as overseer, oM the Indian Creek ttoad, from the tlouth o° Indian Creek up said creek to the trrminus o£ s.i d. roads fto. 94 Kerr County. Ito sad Oversoers for Precinct No.3. it is or d"red by the Court that Os c:xr Lich, the first re,.ul tr meeting of the Court of the yesr 1917, his successor, no overseer, of tho Cypress Creak ::nd Kor School hmtse to Cnu.-. t;,r Line, r'ehry 15th,1916. be appointed to serve until or until the sc,pnintmeflt of rvllle do ad, som Cypre:-e Creek ~ 3 ~ p It 1:; ord rr o;l by the Court th^.t Henry Coti^an, be ipro anted to serve tmtil the first regular meeting of the Court of the ,, e~.r 1917, nr until the ar~~ intment of his auccessor, as overseer, of the Center mint an3 i"redarici:ober~ ao;id, from line of Commissionora' Breoinct No.2, to the County line.