X03 nv. av. %rr Oounty. Paying of X1500 ,00 note, bore o•ned money. Feby. 16th,121G. The'CL~r'r. of this Court is here?~t instructed to dx•avr voucher on Hoad and bridge Fund of ?'.err Count, in favor of Ch :r les Schreiner Banker, to puy off sod t~_ke up note for X15©0.00, being uso~:nt of money bo-~rotred for 3o;ds in Com:~~issionors' precinct No. 4, of this Ca;:n.ty. Said u:aount to be char~..ed to Co m i::c Toners' 3oad Ap; ortionment out of the Hoed and Bridp*a 1~und for the year 191G, No.99. In Commissioner^' Court, Kerr Cottn ty. Kcrr Count;, Neby Term. L"16. ^.he Pollocing n:~rs mis wer r, sppninted m~imil-ers of elections for Tr usteea in oo^:°,on School District s .nd slso for Cn~.tut,7 Trustees for the ye :r 1916; Com~aon School District No.~, J.C.Rees, A.L.Starke,r rind A.P.Brocn, " No.2, John Leinr:eber, irtlzur aiosel, and P.Littlefield. ^ " No.3, Chas. Smith, }SJ.Hendcr^on sad L. Feasenden. " " " No.4, R.3 .Merritt, Coo. Benson sod 41 .I?.Fnrr. " " No .5, J.J.Sublett, Joe Byss and A.C.Joy. " No.6, B.F.D~mton, Henry Berton and Harry ;4illiam^, " No,7, Her.ma Schulze, hi.H4 Hagen::, tnd J.R.Hodges, " " " No.9. Louis Nuernherger, ... Schellhase, 9m. 3eeh. " " " No.10, Ivy Sees, Oscar Norrl in and .,.D.t4e Bryde. " " " Noll, Chas. Biermann, Cha.',. Pr~-a ler and C•is. Eh3ers. ^ " " No.12, D.H .Hughes, F.B.Kloin ~znd Clsrrec B~,r ton. " " " No.13, Albert Re a, '3'alter Re zl and Il4oritz Hol el:e:nn, " No.14. None. " " No.I5, Henry Co~a:in, Ernest Steiler ind Louis Doehhl:•r. " No.16, None. " " " No .17, Nane. ^ " Ro.18, W.t9.Sproul, iYalter Schreiner iud Hy. ~uderst°dt. '! No.19, None. " " No.20, None. " No.21, Cleveland Griffin, ,alter Crider sod Oliver Anse. " " No.22, None. " No.23, None. " Ro.64, None. " No.25, None. " Nas. 10 sod 11 Colored:.None. And ^nr each ind^ponde nt District the folloeri ::S porso:a orere ipn,i.:ztej nt^. m:ae r= of Ele ctions fir Cn;znt y School Trustees. Cent er Poi.:t Independent, ':9.li.Burne,~, James Sellers and Fr:znk C. Slelson. ?err ville Ind ependent, A. Br aeutigam, Lee Mason and S.:?.Huntinetan. Ro. 100 uerr County. Tr~~.n:•ferin~. Fah;; 16th, 1916. Tl:e atxm of X151.49 i^ or drred tr e.nsfered from Ro~.,d ~.n3 Bridge F'.xnd to 3oad District Fiord t7o.1, to p.ay off sn outstsnding Vonchor ?SO. 6301, in Psvnr of the So utherland Lumber Comp-xn;7, ind s•;id :mount to ho eh irFed un aB.iinrt Co::;mirsioners' Road precinct Apportionment for ±he yaar.1916.