~°9 s~ eTaTB oa TBUS, coveTY o~ ~. Bm IT H81l~QBABY"y ~Ihat oa this 0th day of Way d.D. 1416, there was begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commieaionere' Court, in and for Kerr Connty,Teasa, at the Court Hones thereof in the town of Kerrville, Texas. OBaICER9 PRESENT. Hon. Lee Wallace, Oounty Judge, l.A.Bsrger, Commissioner of Preoinot No.l, James Crotty, Commissioner of Praoinet No.E, Hugo wiedenfeld, CoŽiesioner oP Preoinot No.3, J.C.Sing, Qortmieeioner of Preoinot No.4, d.R.Leavell, County clerk and J•T.MOOre, Sheriff, The Oonrt having been regularly opened the following proceedings were had, to-wit:-- Bo. 118, Eerr County. neporte. Quarterly reports of Jastice of the Yeaoe, E.H.Turner and Ceoar Henrnhoffer were examined and approved. So. 117, Serr ienaby. looonnta allowed: 6ooonnte ware allowed and ordered paid se shown in minutea of accounts allowed of this Court in Hook 3 on pages BO to 70 inolnaive. Ths State of Teaaa,) In fowoieaionara' Court, Kerr 9onnty,Tezae. Io. 116, ionnty of gsrr. 1 1[ay Term, A.D. 1916. On this the 8th day of Way A.D. 1816, Dame on to be oonsldered the bide for stationery tiled herein is compliance with the former Order of this Cenrt, asking for bide on all County stationery; and it appearing to the Court that only three bide were to be aoneidsrsd, and after having oonaidered same, is of the opinion that they should be ell rejected sad that She county offieere continue to purchase anoh at4tioner as neoeaeary for their respeotiwe offices ae has been done heretofore. It ie therefore ordered;-adjudged-end-•deareed by theŽonrt that said bide ba and they are hereby rejected, and that the County offioera of Kerr County, continue to buy snob stationery ae regni.red Dy law, asoesaary Sor their reepiotise ofiioee, ae has been leas heretofore. Bo. 119, Esrr Yonttty... -. Rraaefer. ~ It fe ordered by the Oourt that the enm of 0.44 be and the same ie hereby tranefered from the apportionment of Bommisaloners' Aoad Yrealnot Ho. 1 to Oommiseionere' Prsainot Bo •4, to rslmbnrae said Preoinat Ho .4 with said amount which had been paid out of eaifl lmde of Be. 4 by error. :::