~°9 oa Tmua, couHTY of KHRR. 8H IT RH~my~ That on this 0th day of Today A.D. 1916, there was began and holden a dsgnlar Term of the Commissioners' Court, in and for Kerr County,Texaa, at the"Court Hones ther eoY in the town of Kerrville, Tezae. OBFICER3 PREOEHT. Bon. Lee Walleae, Oounty Judge, F.A.Bax'ger, Commissioner of Preoinot No.l, James Crotty, Commissioner of Yreoinet Ho.E, Hugo Aiedenfeld, Commissioner of Preoinot Ho.3, J.C.Sdng, Ooemtieeloner of Preoinot No.4, J.R.Eeavell, County clerk and J.T.MOOre, Sheriff, The Oonrt having been regularly opened the Yollowing prooeedinge were had, to-wit:-- Ho. llb, berr County. xeporta. Quarterly reports oY Jaatice of the Yesoe, K.H.Turner and Ueoar Banrnhofter were examined and approved. Ho. 117, Kerr Oonnty. tooonate allowed: loaonnte were allowed and ordered paid sa shown in minutes of aoaonnle allowed oY this Court in Book 3 on pages 80 to 70 inolneive. The State of Texas,) In iommiaeionara' Court, Kerr ionnty,Tezae. 1 xo. lle, Oonnty oY Ksrr. I 1[ey Term, A.D. 1916. on this the 8th day oP Ysy 6.D. 1916, Dame on to be oonaidered the bide iar atatioaery filed herein in complianoe with the Former order of this Court, asking for bide on all Oounty stationery; and it appearing to the Oonrt that only three bide were to be ooneidered, and attar having eoasidered same, is of the opinion that they should be all rejected and that SEe oonaty Offieers oontinue to pnrahsae snob stOtioner as neoeaeary for their reapsotitis offioee as has been done heretofore. It ie therefore ordered;-edjadged-sad"-deereed by the Oonrt that said bide bo and they are hereby rs~eoted, and that the County offioera of Kerr County, oontinue to buy snob stationery ae required Dy law, aoseesaary Eor their reep4otive ofrioee, ae has been Rwe heretofore. . 119, rr Oonnty.•" 7raneier. It 1e ordered by the Uourt that the enm of #0,44 bs and the tame ie hereby trenefsred from the apportionment of Oommiaeioaere' Aoad Preoinot Ha. 1 to oommiaeionera' prseinot Ho.4, to rei~baree said Preoinot Ho .4 with esid amount whioh had been paid out of e.ifl ltmde of Ho. 4 by error. .-