:. ~A Qoss18e1onera' Cann, 7 :_ ~ _ - ___,._. ' Ilehool -epoeitorp deport. Yens eonnty,8esas. _ 39~ Y~9 9th,1916. On this the 9th day of Yey cams on to bs considered the duplicates of the Annual reports of the 9raeenrer or Depeatlery of the Sihool e'aaae of IIenteenHofgt, ;, ~lndepeadent -ietriot, ^howing receipts sad dieburpemeats llsit the year beginning SeptembeK let,1414 and ending August $1st,191b and after comparing a41d reports se required by law, by checking the items otaaaM1,- report with the (b;lginal ionehers presented to the Court by the 9rasaurer or ~spoeitsr3 of 9ohool panda of the Csater Xoint Indepsadsat Ddetriot, end_ finding same eorrsot hereby in ell thiage approved, and sdeptsd and the dlerk of this Court ordered to fi]e esme. yhe plsrk ds further instructed to promptly oeatiit the aotien of this Court oa said report to the State Department of ndnoation. nos. lE8 a lE8 Yerr Monaty. paupers for the Quarter. 1t ie ordered by the court that the following Hamad persona, Vist Yre. D. iiaiae, Yre. John 8r1~, yrs. J.Y,Dowda, Jacob reinhsrdt, Jsaee Hei,Lltardt, Yrs. Jacob neinhsrdt, John Coulter, Yra• Gilman, Yiae Gilman, Yrs. Allah Joy and Yrs. k.Y.Hortoa, be and they are each allowed the sum of X4.00 per month far the scat throe months. She said John 6onltsr and Jacob ae Jseee aeiahardt and Yrs. JaooD aeinhardt, to be paid as heretofore ordored by the Court. • ~r Yen County. uffioere aeports. , the gnarSerly reports of J.$.Leagll,wi!sad J.T.Yeore, Sheriff, etaay #zamiaed sad approved. ' Ho. 186. Ierr 9onaty. 7ranafss. it le ordored by the Oourt that the unto o! ;70,b1 be .and the same la hereby transferred from Commiaeionors'aoad rreolnot Punde to the Yoad Mstrlot Ho.l, tp balance said tload -ietriot 7tand Ho.l, 90. 186. ]Carr 9ounty. bsinading from 8ohool 8latriot Ho.81 1t is ordered by the ~)ouTt that voucher ba draaft for the sum of ~81.pb on the booel Yaiataineno• School hwd of Oommoa ?+ohoel District Ho,81, 'ls,~'aTOr of 1lslter 8. Orider, same being sn error in aeseageat o!'~Ckool ta= for year 1918. The Stets of le=as, ) ) He. 187 in Gommieaioasrs+ 9ourt of'ssrr 6onaty,ezas. sonaty of %srr. ) Pay Term, 1914. ua this the 9th day of Ysy A.D. 1916, came ®a to De heard and oon- eldered the petition of 8obt. sass, et.al, asking for s neighborhood. road soroas Tom Hellbgra'e lead to the town of Center Point, ^-ezas, and it appearing to Lhe Goan that a1Fid.~em•wallborn, !e willing to ,give the laced prayed for ~n ~tai4 patitlon, Dut ie not will}gg to Dv.S,ld;stn on ~a14y.road and wi~t,agph ~wteet, from, tide #~ tipte. ".