w. ~In Oommleeionera' Oonrt„ }A" s 80hoo1 Depository tteport. =ere eonaty,liezee. . "~ 39~ Yay 9th,1914. On this the 9th day of May cams on to be considered the duplicates - of the Annual reports of the sreaeurer or 8epeeitory of the Sohool dande of Ceatearolatgt~, >s', J,ndependent District, showing receipts and dieburnementa i!0#t the year beginning Septsmbsi 'lat,1911 and ending Angaat $let,191b sell after comparing said report:: ae required by law. by checking the items of aa0,i report with the Original 7oneher• presented to the Court by the 9resaurer or pepoeltJSy of Sohool P'ende of the uaatsr Yo1nt Indspendsnt Ddetriot, end finding same eorreot"!~ hereby in sll things approved, and adopted and tie 81erk of this Court ordered t0 S1]e same. ilhe Blerk 0.s further instructed to promptly eeatit* the notion of this Oonx't on said report to the State Department of lfduoetion. ios. lE8 a 1$g Ierr •enaty. paupers for the Quarter. It ie ordered by the court that the following Hamad poreoaa, Yia; Yrs. A. ilaiae, Mrs. John 8frl~, Yrs. J.Y,Dowda, Jacob Yeinhsrdt, Jsse• tlelaWardt, Yrs. Jsoob xelnhardt, John Oonltsr, Yrs. Gilman, Mies Gilman, Yrs. Allah Joy an8 Yrs. H.Y.9ertoa, be and they are each allowed the stxm of 81.00 per month for the aezt throe months. The said dohn 8onlter and Jacob ae Jsese neinhardt and Yrs. Jacob neinharflt, to be paid as heretofore ordered by the ConrL. ,ie• '~+ %err County. uffioera ttmporta. she quarterly reports of J.$,Leavell,,.end J.T.Yoere, Sheriff, Me'! anramiaed and approved. Ifs. 1$6. Serr Bounty. 7Paneter. ;, It 1s ordered by the 8onrt that the sum of *70.61 be and the same 1• hereby transferred from Commiaeioner e'aoad rrsginot hinds to the Mood Diatriot 90.1, tp belongs said lb ad District il'anfl io.l. io. 186. Xerr Bounty. nefnnding from iohool Diatriot ie.~ 1t ie orflered by the Gourt that voucher be draws for the sum of ~81.p~ on the boost Yaintaineno• Sohool hind of eoaanoa pohool District 60.81, im ~svor of llsltsr 8. Qridsr, same being ae error in aseeeament ef"~itoel ts: for Year 191b. The Stets of iezae, ) In Bommiagioaere' scurf of ICSrr Boanty,rozae. ) Ho. 187 Bounty of %err. ) Ysy Term, 1916. Oa this the 9th day of Yay A.D. 1916, came en to he hoard end ooa- eidsred the petition of dobt. tteee, st.al, asking far a neighborhood road aaroes Tom Hellbprn'e land to the town of Center Yoint, Tezae, end it appearing to the Baum that ~. ,eulyid^~aunrftelibarn, is willing #o ;give the lead prayed for in paid petition, bnb ie not a P i dk =a ,. ,` rr ,. a to bu7,lt ga4ps on eei$';rgad and nw~ph gef6ap .carom. Haws AMp tame.