~. ' Ysrr Oounty, szae. i L(sy 10th, 1916. ,,x. ~' 3~j5 Qourt met as 'a"'>taard oY iiqusliastion and the Aseoaeor presented the Inventories of property rendered to-him for the year 1818, and upon carefully ezamainetloa, found same to bs satiefaatory~ and a1T renditions were sooepted, ae given in to the lssea$o l~ p 6 ~ Ia Oommieeioaere' Yeurt, Bounty Ysrr County, asses. Nay 8th, 1916. This day same on to be aonsidared the passing and paying off boaaty to parties having affidavits before said Court fpr Killing of wild animals tRd~sitothe State 8oalp 8onnty yaw, and it appeared to the Court that the /fate's made have been saaaeted, it Se therefore nrdarad that said bounty be and the same ie held up until•~he~:~te will hays made another apportlonment to said bounty fend and ready to pay her pro rata of said bounty. ~~ ¢a ~ F.eport of A. b. Williamson, County Treasurer. On this 9th., day of L",ay 1916, Dame on to be heard the Quarterly Report of A. B. Wi111amson,COUnty Treasurer of aerr County, for the quarter ending April 30th, 1916, and the same having been carefully examined and found correct, is approved and ordered of reoord, Jury b'und. let Class Balanoe last report, Filed _ 188.42 To Amount received since lest Report, 49b.09 By Amount paid out since last Report, ir+:. "A", 497.00 $y 2 l~ri ;w Commission; on amount received, 11.13 By 2 lr4 per cent Commission amount paid out, 11.18 ~ 164.20 Amount to Balance, _„ _ _ ~_ i 683.51 683,b1 3 ~~ Balance ~ 164.E0 Road and bridge Fund. End Class Balanoe last Report, Filed 2149.92 To Amount received since last Resort, b130.66 By Amount paid out since last F.eport, lx. "B", 5204.72 ,. By 2 1/4 per cent. Commission on amount received, 115.43 By 2 1/4 per Dent Commission on amount paid out, 117.10 '~ Amount to Balance, 1843.32 j;, , 7280.5 7E80.b7 y'e` '~ 1A43.32 General County Fund. 3rd Clare ei ~ ~~- Dalanoe last Report, Filed 1316.7b der: '+`~'~,~ To Amaunt received since last %epor t, 6000.01 ~"~~`~ By Amount paid out since lest 'report, Ex. "C", 2533.75 ~~~W yl;?;?' By 2 1/4 per cent. Commission on amount received, 135.00 y~~ ,.,,- ~,~- By 2 1/4 per cent. Commission on amount received, 57.00 Amount to balance, 4591- ~ /3 C• Hand 1x11 Fund Balanoe last Report, Filed 408.00 To Amount reoeived since last Report, 948.45 By Amount paid. out since last Report, Ex, "D", 950.00 By 2 1~4 per cent. Commission on amount reoeived, 21.54 By 2 1~4 per Dent. Corvnission on amount paid out, 21,37 Amount to Balance, 363,74 1366.45 1.356.45 Balanoe $ 363.74 C. H. Rep. Fund, Balance last Report, Filed 81.13 To Amount reoeived since last Report, 316.14 By Amount paid out ainoe last report, Ex."E", 280,00 By 2 1~4 per Dent. Commission on amount received. 7.11 By 2 1~4 per cent Commies ion on amount paid out, 6.30 Amount to Balance 103.86 397.27 397.27 Balance :~ 103.86 Speoiel Fund, Balanoe last Report, Filed 63.10 To Amount reoeived ainoe last Report, 336.14 By 2 1~4 per cent. Cormnission on amount received, 7.11 Amount to Balanoe, 3_7.x_ 379.24 379.24 Balance ~ 372.13 Jail Rep. Fund Balance l~~et Report, Filed 892.53 To Amount received ainoe 19at P.eport, 316.14 Py Amount paid ont ainoe last Report, Ex. "0", 106.00 By 2 1~4 per sent. Commission on amount received, 7.11 By 2 1/4 per Dent. Commission on amount paid out, 2.38 Amount to Balanoe 1093.18 1208,67 1208.67 Balanoe ~ 1093.18 Road Dia. No. 1. Fund Balance l est Report, Filed 2665.84 To Amount received since last Report, 2410.91 By Amount paid out ainoe last Report, Ex. "H", 5129.24 By 2 1~4 per Dent. Commission on amount received, 54.11 By 2 1~4 per Dent. Commission on amount paid out, 115.40 Amount to Balanc e 222.00 b298.75 6298.75 Balance Ove rdr aPt :~ 222.00 Road Di s. No. $, Fund Balanoe lnat Report ,Filed 12b4,93 To Amount reoeived ainoe le at Report, 93.82 By Amount paid out ainoe last Report, Ex. "I", 604.00 By 2 1~9 per sent Commission on amount reoeived, 2.11 By E 1/4 per oent. Commieaio~ on ;~„ Amount to Balanoe, ~; -v Balanoe paid out, 1348.7b 740.39 740.39 1348.76 RECAPIT UTATION JURY FUND BALANCE 164.20 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND BALANCE 1843.3E GENERAL COUNTY FUND BALANCE 4b91.01 C. H. AND JAIL FUND BALANCE 363.74 C. H. REPAIR FUND BALANC$ 103.86 SPECIAL FUND BALANCE 3T2.13 JAIL REPAIR FUND BALANCE 1093.18 ROAD DIS. N0. 1 FUND BALAtdCE 22E.00 ROAD DIS. N0. 3 FUND BALANCE 740.39 List of bonds and other aeourities on hand. One City of Kerrville Bond b00.00 TIC STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KERR Before me, the undersigned authority on this day personally appear- ed A.B. Y7111aimaon, County Treasurer of Kerr County, who being by ma duly sworn, upon oath sus that the within and Foregoing report i6 true and oorreat. A. B. A!111Rimeon Con.nty Treasurer Sworn to and eubearibed before me, this 9th., dqv of iigy 1916. J. R. ~eavell Clerk Connty;;C,RUrt~ Kerr County, Tezsa. Filed ytay 9th., 1916. ~- THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF iCERR IH COiA1ffSSI0NER8 QOURT. Before me the undersigned authority, p~ersonally~apneased the members of the Com- missioner's Court whose names are below aubeoribefl, who upon their path, do says That the requirements of Art. 867 Chapter 1, X%V, of the Revised Statutes of Texas, amended by the xaguler session of the twenty-fifth Legislature have in e;11 things been oomplied with, :nd that the oath and other easets mentioned in the quarterly report made and filed 1n the Conr by A. B. Williamson County Treasurer of said aounty have been fully ins pe ated and oounted by us at this term of the Court;and that the amount of money and other easets in the hands of the said Treasurer are as follows; Cash in hands of County Depository---^------------------^---~^p9E71.83 Other easets, One City of Kerrville Bond----------------^---~ b00.00 Total ---------'9771.83 Las Nallaoe CountyJudge F. •. I{arger Commissioner Preoinot No. 1 James Crotty Commissioner Preoinot No. E Rugo Wiedenfeld Commissioner Preoinot No. 3 J. Cr, ding .; .. +_ .,~dm~,ls~tioper ~x8oit He~y4 .A: ~/ S Sworn to aafl anbearibed to baYore me,this 9th., day of Lay 1916. J. R. Leavell County Clerk, Kerr County Texas. The foregoing mi rutes from 209 to top of page 215 were read and found correct, in open Court were approved this 10th day of laey, A. D. 1916. Att ^t: -Zou~Tu ge, err Loun~*`exss. onn y er . The 3tnte ~Y Texas, County cf :{err. BF. 1T FF.P,iF.P,",BFRF.D, That nn this 10th day of June, A.D. 1916, there was begun and holden a speoial term oY the Commissioners' Court, in and for Kerr C~unty,Texas, a+, the Court Hous? thereoY in the t~q'n of Kerrville, Texas. OFFiCF.R:S PRN:SEIST. Hon. Lee 17sllace, County Judge, F.A.Karger, Cmrvnissicner of Precinct Plo.l J»mes Crotty, Cnmmisaioner of ~Precinet No.2, Hugo Wiedenfeld, C^mmineinner ,Y Precinct No.', J.0.5ing, Comnissi nor oY Precinct No.4, J.R.Lesvell, Cler's and J.T.L*,nnre, Sha rift. The Court h^_cinR been regul^rly opened the. foll-wing proceedings ware had ,to-era*: fto. 130 In Commissi-uses' Court, June 10th, 1916. The re -dgn°tion of J.C.Baxter n„ Trustee in and for Sch of District No.10, wa read =nd aceept ed by th~ Court and l'P,R.Daldwe2l, r:nr"inted to fill the une ~-pired tern oi' said J.C .Baxter, e:; Sohool trustee f^r School District ;do.10, F.e rr Count y,Te xa s. Sao. 1~1. In Comnisci^ners' Court, June 10th, 1916. The resigns tion oP Fred Klein, as achool Trustee ir. and Yor Sohool Di a trict No. 12 of Kerr County, read and sooeptcd by the Court, and 0.C,Aiitchell and D.H.Hughes, are heresy apn-^inted ~e act as school truatees in and far sAid School M suet No.12, until their sucaesscrs are appointed or elected. There being no futher busl ne ss to come before the court. rt th i:, tine, Court adjourned. The foregoing minutes an page 215 hereof were re•~d and approved in np~n Court this Tune 10th, l.D. 1916. can i; udge Atte ~Ier . w; >:: , _. ~ I