=E.00 eaooept the parties that make Ratnrn of 8leotion to Coant~ Judge and Clerk.. and tl eaoh be allowed thq sum of $4.00 aeoh, se hoe been the ouatom in holdLng aqq general slant: Bo. 1E7. 10 feet of land in Ingram, Tease. July lbth., 1816. " The Clas'k of this Court is inntrna ell to daaw • vonoher on the advslorem in favor of Hra. Ads Joy for sum of ~,17.b0 1n payment of a 10 loot strip of Land tar road purposes out Purvey Bo. lE9 F. Trevino,, in Ingran, Tessa, nppn the szeoutlan and deilvery of s deed oon- veying said 10 teat by 186 feet by said Hra. I,dah Joy to Berr County. Ro. 138 Applioation tar ohange Sn Borth Fork Road. July 16th., 1816. Upon applioation by John S, Callaway ohange wee made in the EeTrville and Rook Springs Road at the Twenty-font mile arosaing on the Guadalupe River at the old Vining Ranoh, now owned by geld Gallaway with the underatanding that said Callaway ad T. J. 1loere shall keep up said road ao changed at their own espenae for a period oY three ysara from date of oom- pleti m of said change. (Signed) Jno. S. Callaway " T: J. Poore. Boa. 139-140 and 141. Paupers for Quarter. July loth „ 1916. It is ordered by the Court that the following named persona be and they era eaoh all ell the sum of X4,00 eaoh for >uguat, September and at, -via:- Jaoob, Jessie and Hrs. Jaoob $alnhardt, Hrs. D. Rains, Mre. John Story, 1¢ra. J. H. Dowda, John Coultas, ]bra. Gilm Hiae Oilman, Hra. Allah Joy, and Hre. E. M. Rorton, and it ie tlsrther order that Jaoob, Jea and Mra. Jaoob Reinhardt sad John Coulter, be paid in merahandies as heoretoiare ordered by this oourt, 407 IB~QOHHISSIOBT~RS' COURT ) IGriRR COUAITY, T87GS ) Taz levy Yar 1916. On this loth day oi' lugugt, at a regular August Term of this Court a Sall board .being present and partiolpating the 04urt prooaeded to levy County Taxaa ipr tpa year 1916. It Sa ordered by the Court that the following Cqunty tales be lsviad rayon all tau able property situated in Herr County on the let day of January •. D. 1818, vii; Advaloxwm Taz of 19 Dente on eaoh $140.44 valuation. 8oad and Bridge, lb Dent. on eaoh X140.00 valuation. Yaad Diettlot Bo. 1. 17 Dents on eaofi 100.00 valuation. Bond Diatriot Bo. '3, b Dente on eaoh 100.00 valuation. .Court Rouse Repair taz, of 1 Dent on eaoh $100.00 valwtioa Court Rouse Jail tas, of 3 aenta on eaoh X100.00 valuation. ,Speoial ta:, of 1 oe~xt on eaoh X100.00 valuation. Jury Taz, ei 1 sent on osoh X100.00 valuation. 'JSil repair, tea of 1 o mit on eaoh (1.00.00 valuation. Roniederat• penes m , b Dents on eaoh 100.00 valuation. ;a Diatriot Sohool Bo. E, tax of E6 oea;e on eaoh X104,00 valuatlda, Haintagaaoe. Diatslet Sohopl Ain. E, taz of Eb ovate on eaoh /100,Q0 valuation, Bond Building Fund. Diatriat Sohool.. Bo. 3, tas of Eb oonte on eaoh =100.04 valuation. ~ ~-- •Diatriot Sohool Ao. 4, taz of lp Dente on eaoh ;1.00s00 valnat9.oa.. r'~" . EDia#~ri,9t 8ohoolpot b, tax pf'Eb opbts on eaoh X100,44 yaluatd~On. Bond Iasna. „_ ~ ~ ~ ~ __