$E.00 eao~eept the parties that make Return of &leation to County Judge and Olerk, e,nd ~ ~` ~ .. eaah be allowed the sum of $4.00 eaoh, 8a hsa bean the custom Sn hold7ag aqV general eleati a No. 137. 10 teat of land in Ingram, Teaea. July 16th., 1916. The Olerk of this Court ie lnatruotea to 4raw a voucher oa the advalorem in favor of .. '. ,~ Mrs. ids Joy for sum of ~1V.b0 in payment of a 10 toot strip of band tar road purposes out 4,. '4 Survey No. lE9 S'. Trevino, in Ingran, Tezsa, upon the execution and deilvery of s Seed ooA- 'e-~ veying eaifl 10 feet by 196 feet by said }8rs. idah Joy to 8err County. ,. ' No. 188 ipplioation for change in North Fork Bosfl.' July lbt&., 1916. .` Upon application by John S, Callaway ohaage w ae main in the 8errvillo and Rook Springs y s Road at the Twenty-ionr mile crossing an the Gu-dalupe River at the old Vining Ranch, now owned by said Callaway with the undoretending that said Callaway anfl T. J. Moore shall keep up said road eo changed at their own expense for a period of three years from date of Dom- ' pletim o4 said change. _ (Signed) Jno. S. Callaway ' ^ T. J. $oore. - - - - .. - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - `~ ;Y y' Noe. 139-140 and 1~. Paupers Sor Quarter. July lbth., 1916. + IL is ordered by th® Court that the following nerved persona bs and they sre eaoh allow ed the sum of X4.00 eaoh for lugust, September and et, -viz;- daoob, Jesaio and lire. Jacob Reinhardt, Mrs. D. Rains, Mre. John 8tary, Mre. J. 1[. Dowfla, Jaha Coulter, Mre. Gilman 1Sias Gilman, Hre. idah Joy, and Mre. E. M. Norton, sad it Se lbrther order that deaob, Jaeai and Mra. Jsoob Reinhardt sad Sohn Coulter, be paid in merahsndies ae hexetofare ordered by this court. !~ ~0 7 IN • OC3L1(ISSIOHF~RS ~ COUAT ) - YtiRR COUNTY, TFaCiS ) Taz levy for 1816. On this 16th day of iugust, at a regular iugust Term of this Court a toll board $ being present and pertiaipating the Oeurt proceeded t4 levy County Tazea for the year 1916. ?' It is ordered by the Court that the Yollowiag County taxes be levied upon all tax- able props rty situated in %ert County oa the let day of January i. D. 1916, via; ~ ,_ idvaloxwm Tax of 19 aenta on eaoh 100.00 valuation. Road sad Nridge, 16 cents on eaoh X100.00 valuation. '': Soad District No. 1, 17 aenta on oaofi $100..00 Valuation. ' Road District No. '3, b cents oa eaoh 100.00 valuation. 9 ~ court Souse Repair tax, oY 1 Dent on eaoh 100.00 valuatiom ~r ;' Court Houee Jail tare, of 3 Dents oa eaoh 100.00 valuation. ~ ., `~ "`A : A ~^ ,Speaiel tax, of 1 neat on eaoh ~1C0.00 valuation. ~, ~ Jury Ta:, of 1 Dent on eaoh ;100.00 tralu~tlon. ' Jail repair, tax of 1 Dent on eaoh X100.00 valuation. 0ontsderats psnsi m , 6 Dente on oaoh 100.00 valuation. ,r` :~' District School No. E, t4x of Eb Dents oa eaoh ~100.00~ve1uatlin, Malatalanoe. Diatsiot School No. E, ass of Eb cants on eaah #100.00 valuation, Boad Sui7,din.g Buad. District gahool. No. 3, tax of Eb Dente on eaah =100,00 valuation. "~- •' District School No. 4, tax of 10 Dents oa eaah 3100,00 valuation.. ~~` z'Diat,Riet.$ohoel S1o. S, t4z of E6 sent; on eao}l 3100.Q0 ~aluatien. $ocd Tame. Y' ~ . S y. k,' .,~ r !.