aa3 Lie$aiiot°$a$riat so a,.`tsz a' io Dente on eaoh $ioo.oo valuation. ~~Fnna. Diatriot 9ohool ffio. 10, t~ of 18 Dente on eaoh $100.00 valuation. 'U'`' ~ ' Diatriot 3ahool ffio. 18, tax of ib Dente oa eaoh $100.00 vdlnatioa. `'"` ' Diatriot 9ohool No•.14, tax of lb oeaba on eaoh $100.00 valuation. M.'-' Diatriot Sohool No. 17, tax of 3B Dente on eaoh $100.00 valuation. Bond Ieaus. Diatriot Sohool ffio. E1, tea of 20 cents on esah $100.00 valuation. ""''" Diatriot Sohool ffio. 18, taz of 10 Dente on eaoh $110.00 valuation. M^- ' Comfort County Line Sohool Diatriot No. 8, lb aenta on $100.00 valuation. Yaintenanoe Taz. Oeoupation tea of one-pelf that oharged by State. County poll Sat of twenty-live Dent on eaoh male person of twenty-one years and under sixty yearn of age. t~0~ T88 STATS OF TE%45 ) COUNTY OF KBffiDALL ) Thin is to oertify that at an eleotioa held in Comfort Line 9ohool Diatriot, Jana 7th., 1916, a loael meintenanoe tax of 16 oeata oa the $100.00 valuation of property wsa voted anflthe same wee levied by the Commissioners' Court of Kendall County, Tease for the yearn 1916 end 1916. This the 31st., day of July 1916. J. W. Lawhon ~{`~°`~ Comity Judge, ffsndall County, Tease. The Stab of Tezsa ) In Oo®isaionera' Court. County of Karr ) dugnat Term, 1916. ' Oa this the lbth., day OY Augnat, 1916, Dame on to ba ooneldered the matter of asoertainiag sad determining the present population of eaoh City, Town, and Juetiae Preoin in the County of Ksrr, State of Teaaa, in eaoordanoo with the proviaione oY Seotion 96 of the Aot of the 31st Lagielatnre, regulating the sale of lntoaiasting liquors, and it appear ing, at the regnoat of this Court, the Superintendent of Public Inetruotion of Kerr County, hoe presented to and tiled in this Court, hie report showing the present total sohoolastio population, or oenaue, of eaoh City, Town, and Juatloe Preoinot in %err County, as last tak en and returned by the proper authorities to avid Superintendent of PYb1io Inetrnotion in the year 1918, to be ae follows, to wit: Total aohool oenaas of the City of Kerrville in Kerr County, Tessa, 689 Total aohool oeasna of Juetios'e Preainot ffio. 1, in Kerr County, Teaas, which embraoee Kerrville, the only Mnnioipal Corporation in said County, 860 Total aohool oenaue oY Juatloe'•e Preoinot No. E, in Kerr County; Tezas, E76 Total aohool oenana of Juatioe's Preoinot ffio. 3, in Kerr County, Tszaa, lbb Total aohool oenana of Jnetiae'a Preainot No. 4, in %srr 8onnty, Tezaa, 413 it 3e therefore aeoertained, fletermined, ad Judged, and daoreed by the Court, that the - present total population of •aoh City, Towne end Juatioe'e Preoinot of Kerr County, Tease, Sa ae follows, to wit; The total population of the City of Kerrville. in Kerr County, Tease, Se 41bE "'The total population of Jnetloe'e Preoinot No. 1, in Kerr County, Tease, whibh embraoee the City o! Kerrville, Se 6160 The total population of Juetine's Preoinot ffio. 2, in Kerr County, Tease, is 1Sb0 ~- The total population of Juetioe'e Prboinot ffio. 3, in Kerr Count~q, Tease, ie .83Q. The total popalatiori'a= Juetioe'a Pt6oinot Ho. 4, in Kerr Oonaty, Teaas, le i#9$, It ia•ordered itaathe;. that a Dopy of the above .and foregoing order be made by the Cleilc of this Court, and .game be sent .to the Comptroller of Publio Aooounta of the 9tat• of Tezoa. ., ~ l~ 7;, , ~~I~~C%~ / ~ . Dun y ge, err sun ezea. omm as over, 'e o o. o,,....~ omm as oneF, r o. O as Oagr,. rgq 0, o® ae Deer, o e fob: Ho. 144 In CaAemieaionere' Court ) Karr County, Teaea. ) August lb, 1916. On thle dsy Dame on to be hoard petition of J. M. Hatoh et sl. asking that the voting plane in 9oting Preoinot 110. 9, be ohanged from W. G. &lyrton'a reeidenoe to the Divide Sohool House, and the CourE having heard same is of the opinion that same should be granted. It is therefore ordered that the voting plane Sor Yot ing Prea inot 80. 9, be and the same la ordered changed from W. G. Wharton's Resideno• to the Divide Sohool Rouse as prayed for Sn said Petition. Report of A. B. Williamson ) Ro. 145,CODUty Treasurer ) On thin the 15th day of August, 1916, Dame on to be heard the Quarterly Repo of A. B. Williamson, County 'TSeasurer of Kerr County, for the quarter en ding July 31st, 19 and the same having been carefully ezamined anfl found oorreot, is ap~ov od and ordered of ran ord. JURY FUBD -lat. CEA98. - .. _ _ Balanoa last Report, Filed 164.E0 To Amount reoaives sinoe lsst Report, 463.86 By 4nouat paid out e2nos lest Rgport, Ez. "A", 600.60 By E-1/4 par cwt. Commieeim on ammoant reoei-gd, 10.43 By E-1/4 per Dent. oommiaaion on amoant paid ont, 18.51 Amoant to salanoe 3.6E 8E9.06 6E8.06 Baleaos a.BE 8oad and Bridge Fend. Ead Claae. ~. Balaaoe ]eat 8gport, F11gd 1843.3E 2q Aiernnt received sinoe last 8eport, E74.S8 Tg Asiggat t?anafgrTgd from other FandO. eitwe last Report , 800.00 By Vomt paid eat •iaae last Rgport. Sz. "B",~ 1414.E6 By Alwnnt transferred to other Fnnde, sinoe ldet Repart, EEE.00 By E+l/4 per gpat. Ogmiasioa oa agouat regeivsd, 6.17 By 8-1/* per Beat. Caamlaaioa qa eaonat paid ont, 31.8E Aaoaat to Balalanog 643.4b '~r : E~f17.70 E319.90 ~^ , ,f ~~ y. ~.. £'e ^',"