:.~'', It ie•ordered 3~ther, that a Dopy of the above .and iore~oing oxdsr De made Dy the OleiY of this Court, and .saes be sent .to the Comptroller of Rublio Aooounte of the State of ' Dun y ge .%%C~/rr~d •eua , oxen. Bo. 144 In Commissioners' Court Karr County, Tezas. ) August 15, 1916. On this day Dame on to De heard petition of J. M. Hat oh et sl. aeking that the voting plane in Voting Praoinot Lto. 9, be ohsaged from W. G. ˘t}yrrton'a realdenoe to the Divide Sohool House, and the Court having hearfl same is of the opinion that same should be granted. It ie therefore ordered that the •oting plane for Voting Preoinot Ho. 9, ba and the same is ordered ohangad from W. G. WBarton'e Reaidonos t0 the Divide Sohool House ae preyed for in said Petltion. 8eport of A. B. W1111ameon ) Ao. 146,Couaty Treasurer ) On this the 15th day of August, 1916, Dame on to be heard the Quarterly Rep of A. 8. Williamson, County Tseasurei of Kerr County. for'tho quarter ending duly 31st, 1 and the same having been oasetully examined and Yound oorroot, ie ap~ovsd anti ordered of re o ord. DORY y'IJHD -lat. C3,A$8. Balanoe last Report, Filed 164.E0 To Amount reoaives sines lsst Report, 463.86 By 4nonnt pald oat stuns lest Report, Ea. "A", 600.80 By E-1/4 per Dent. Commieaion on ammonnt avaeived, 10.3 By E-1/4 psr Dent. ooeenieaian on amount paid ant, 18.61 Amount to -alenoe 8.6E ' ~ 6E8.08 689.06 Balance 8.6E . Bond and Bridge Fend. End C1aea. ' Balsnee last Repart, Filed 1848.3E To Assent reeeived stuns last Report. E74.38 Te 4Rlouelt tsanaferred Pros otha~ Fnndi, slues last Report. 800.00 By Aepnnt paid oat •inae last Report, Sz. "B",~ 1414.E6 F~= By AI#ount traoefssrsa to other Fnnde, stuns laiat Rspart, EE8.00 °~'' By 8+1/4 par o'nt. Qeamiasioa oa amount seeeived, 6.17 ~ 4~= By 8.1(+ Des Dept. Canmiaaion on aoou~ peld oat, 31.88 • i41 . ~- ~,~... 4Aennt t0 yalanee 643.4b ~ E~f17.40 8814.90 ~; ~ )slaw e ~ IidB ~b as s '6E~$AlL OOUtM'Y lAfBD. Srd. OLA88. Balaaes last Report, Fiisd 4691.01 Te Imonnt neoelved einoe last Report, 177.06 By Imonnt paid out eiaae last Report, Ea. "C" 8y E-1/4 per Dent Commission on ueonnt reoeived, By E-1/4 per Dent on Co~iealo, on 6monnt paid out, Imonnt to Bnlanoe 4768.06 Balanoe. 34IO.OE Oourt Ronee and Jail Fdnd. Balance lust Report, Filed _ 383.74 To Imonat reoeived einoe last Report E9.b9 By 8-1/4 per Dent Commission on amount reoeived, Imonat to Balano• 393.33 Bslanos 39E.67 COIIRT BOUSH RBPAIR FUND. Balance la0t Rsport, Filed 103.86 To (mount reosivefl einoe last Report, E1.11 By E-1/4 per Dent. Commission on Amount reoeived Amount to Balano• 1E4.97 BaLnoe. 1E4.60 9PBCUZ FU9D. Balance last Rsport, Filed ~ 37E.13 To amount reoeived einoe last Repozt 9.86 To Imonnt trmeterred tram other P`nnfls, eLnoe last Report, By E-1/4 per Dent. Commissioa on amount paid out, Amount to Halanoe 381.99 Balnnos 181.T7 Jail Repaid Fund Balance last Report, Filed 1093.18 To Imonnt reoeived einoe last Heport 9.88 By E-1/4 per Dent. Commission on amount reoeived, amount to Balance 1103.04 Balance. 110E.BE Road District Bo. 1, Fend. Balance last Report, Filed To Amount receives since last Repozt 36.E9 To Amount transferred from other funds, einoe last Rsport, EEE.00 By E-1/4 per Dent. Commission oa amount reoeived. A®onnt to Balance 868.89 . Balance. Sb.48 Boca Daatriot "o. 3, Fnnd. Blllavsaa last B~polt~:aBilila 743.89 1324.E7 3.98 E9.79 8410.0E 4766.06 .66_ 39E.67 393.33 .47 124.b0 184.97 E00.00 .EE 181.77 881.99 .EE 110E.8E 1103.04 2EE.00 .81 36.48 ~b8. E9 8y 4monnt paid out sieoa lest Report, Ex, "I" EE6.4b ,7~;{~'. y A^ouat to Belaaoe 618.74 740.88 740.89 Ba]saoe. b18.74 RBCAPITULLTION JURY BLIND BALANCE 8.6E `'.:'~ ROAD AND BBIDG& Bnnd BALANCE 643.4b GSNEHAL COUNTY BUSD BALANCE 8410.0E 0. H. AND JAIL .BLIND BALANCE 88E.67 ~ , 0. H. HEPAIR BLIND BALANC& lE4.b0 „ SPECIAL BOND BALANCE 181.77 JAIL E$PAIR FUND BALANCE 110E,9E 8. D. N0. 1. BLIND BALANCE 86.48 R. D. N0. 8. BLIND BALANCE 613.74 6408.07 LSST OB BONDS AND OTHER 3ECUHITIE3 ON HAND Oae City of K4rrville Bond 600.00 wK 5~, , The Ntate of Tezaa deanty of Ksrs ) Before ~, the nndersignefl authority., oa this dry personally appeared A. $. W1111amsoa, County Treasurer of asst ConnEy wDo being by ms dnl~ sworn, npo~ oath, .eyw that the within and iorsgolag repast ie true anQ oorreot. ~~~-utl.a~yy~ty„- Oonnty Treaeatar. ?worn to and s nbeoribed before ma, this lbth day of 4vgntt 1814, d• Rs LRa9e11 Olerk, gonnty Court, Berl Oonnty, Tezae. STATE OB TESAS COUNTY OB 88RR ) Before me the underei{ned authority, personally appeared the member of the Commiaeioners' Oourt whose names are below enbeoribed, who upon their oath, do say; that the requirements of ArtieAe 8~7 Chapter I, tltls %ZV, of t hs Revised Statutes of Teals amended by the ragnlar eeeaioa of the Twenty-Bifth Legislature have is all things been oom- plisd vdth, and that the oath sad other assets awationed in the gnarteriy report made and tiled in the Covert by A. B. Williamson County Treasurer of said County have been fu11y in- apeoted and aouated by ua at t h1e term of the 8onrt; and tbat the emound of medsy and other assets in the hands of said Treasurer are ae Sollowe; Cash la hands of the County Depository - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -X8408.07 Other assets, One Oity of Kerrville Bond- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600.00 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6808.07 B A. Bar er dames Crott o H o Aiedenfelt osas as ems; reo no o. omm tae o, Cr, ao e. } and anbaoribe4 to betare an this 16 day at 4ugg4t 1814. ~. ~~ IA44ve~1.. Pty,k~le;k,,xerx Oawty, TAZas. ~ , ._,