~a 'Yhs State of Texas, County of Kerr. BE IT R~MEMBE=i ED, That on the 26th day of August, A.D. 1916, there was began and holden a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County,Texas, at the Court House thereof, in the town oP Kerrville, Texas. The following officers were present:-- Lee Wallace, ~S3tBarge, dames Crotty, Hugo Wiedenfeld, J.C.Sing, County Judge, Commissioner of Precinot Po.l, Commissioner of Precinct Bo.2, Commissioner of Precinct fto.3, Commissioner of Precinct fto.4, d.R.Leavell, County Clerk and J.T.Moore, Sheriff. The Court having boon regularly opened, the following proceodinga were had, to-wit;-- The Stste of i'exas, ~ 1 Ho.lb2 County oP Kerr. ,i In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County,Texas. Saturday August 26th,1916. The Tea Holls, of Teat Assessor, W.G.Peterson were carefully eaemined and found in good form and correct, were approved, and the clerk of this Court is instructed to pay said Tax Assessor, W.G.Peterson, the balance of his salary or commissions after deducting the amount all ready advanced or allowed him by this court, for the current year. Bo.ib3, In Commisaionern' Court, Kerr County. ) Tax Aseeseors Co¢®isaions. August 26th,1916. The clerk is instructed to pay said Tax Assessor, W.G.Peteraon, the svm of 29,30 out of the Road and Bridge fund, 18,87 out of the Special Fund, 918.87 out of the Court House and Jail Fund, X18.87 out of the Court House Repair Fund and $18.87 out of the Jury Fund of this County, same being in Pull settlement with said Tax Assessor for commissions for the year 1916. Bo.164. In Oommisaloners' Court, ) Tranefaring. 8err County. )) Angnat E6,1916. Fifty-Six and 81/100 (66.61) Dollars is hereby ordered trans>fered from the Court House and Jail Fund to the Ad1[alorem Fund and further ordered that S'hree and 7100 ($B.7~ Dollars be tran~tered from the Aosd & Bridge Fund to the Adsalorem fund. No. 165 ) In CommlasloneraCaurt ) August 26th., 1916. Kerr County. ) . Resignation of A. B. Baern, as School Trustee of Common School Distriot No. 21, eooepted and B. F. Merritt appointed to fill the unexpired term of A. B. Boern ~e`