It is ordered by the donrt that the order haretoiore oateSe} at the •nanrt Tara ~ ~;,~, of this Court be and the same Sa hereby amondad and two vonghegms..3a,~Eatla~~lpy,,aeagsSpnd f~ a, Bridge land, to ba paid out of the amount of said road and bridge Yuad apportiosed~to •om@leaipaere' Preoinot Ha.B, •a ~!erbruary ibth, 1816 and on lsbrnary lbth 1917 after their , ~a 'Ik, data Ang~tafE 16th, 1914, payable to order of B.J.Lang, oS Kerr County, Tesae, and to Dear , 6~ annual interest, until paid. Said 7onohere to be for the sum of '300.00 eaoh. `*c .~ ,,,*; :,. Ho, 180 !) Rorr Gonnty, 11 Appoihtment oY Lon1e Hnosnberger 1 School Trustee. ,;;~,: It 1e ordered by the Court that Loyis Hue;nberger, be spdohalla hereby appointed $ohoal Truete• for Common School Dietriot Ho.9, o! Cypreea Croak, Kesr Oounty, Tezae. lo. 161. ; Kerr County. Eabnlating Election 8eturne. On this the 13th day of Hovembar, A,D. 191&, oame on to b• tabulated the returns oY the general eleotioa held on the 7th day of Hovesber, 1916, sad gftar same ware oeavasaed and ezamined, the total vote of eaoh and every oasdldat~, with their plurality or majority, was entered 1n the book of sacorda for euop pn~po}es; mgge pnd.,providod, wh7c h is to be found oY reaord Sn Yol. 1, record oY $Leotlon $etussa, Y;pm paggs 148 to 189 ino- , lneivs, whioh ie hereby made apart of Lhis record and ainulbse, ; ~ Ho. 16E. Kerr County. OYYioeri g9artosly 8epsrts. , Quarterly reports oY,~J.$.bsavell, Couaiy and Dietriot desk; A.B.A'i111amaoa, County lreasnror, sad E.H.Tnsaer, J. of P. Yrao• Fo.l, Ksrr County ware, szamined end found aorroct wgre approved by the Court. Ha. 163. Karr County. Setting Date for Ofiicera to Quality, It Sa ordered by the Cop t that Deoember 4th, 1916, be @et for tlme for all oYticore to quality, and give new bonds sta., Ho. 164. ~ ' `': „ ,$arr County. Pauper allowanoe. It 1s ordered by the Court that the following named parpose, b• allowed X4.00 ; ,eaoh for the nest three moat he beginning with November, Dseaiiws ind January, same to be ' paid ee haretafosa ordered by this Court. Yiat iYoeb, Jesse sad Yr4• g~iahardt, John :Coulter; Yra. D. $aine, Yrs. John Story; ~-re. J.Y.Dowda; Yrs. Dohs YRSras; Yra. 611mer, Yisa >, ~ ;' gllsss= Yra. A8a Joy sad Yret E.Y.Horton; +~ w~ ~ ~y»i. a.:::s. r ~ ~ u• , r .. .. , > ,. „~