a3~ ~~ There being no further business to come before the ,Court, Court Adjourned. f~J --o-o-o-oeeeeoeoeoeoeoeo-o-o-o- In ~dmmieaionere.' Court, ~ 9pecisl January Term, 1917. Kerr Connty,Texas. ) Janue~ry 20th, 1917. oZ0 It Ss ordered by the Court that the sum of One Thousand (1000,00) Dollase ba and the same is hereby 6rdered transferred from the Ad Valorem Fund of thle Bounty to the Jury Fund. ~( Aoaourta were allowed by the Court as shown by the minutes of accounts allowed by said Court, which are made apart of these minutes. The foregoing minutes from pago 238 to 239 inclusive were read in open Court this January 20th, 1917, and same having been found correct are hereby approved. Attea :- unt arc. THE STATE OF TEEAS, COIIIPTY OF KERR. -~~ ga. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this 12th day of February A.D. 1917, there was began and holden a Regular Term of the Commissioner's Court in and for Karr County, Texas, at the Cenrt Hones thereof in the town of Kerrville, Texas, ' OFFICERS PRESENT. Hon. Lee Aallnce, F. A. Karger, James Crotty. IIounty Judge. Commissioner oY Preoinot No.l Hugo Wiedenield, .C..Az.:BsQgers, J. R. Leavell, Clerk and J. T. Poore, 9herifi. " No.$ " ,• NS. 3. " No.4. ~,Z,'Z The Court having regularly opened the following progeedinge were had, to-wit;-- THE STATE OF TExAS~ bounty of Eerr. February 12th, 1917. On this the iHth day of February, 1917, the Commissioner's Court of Kerr County, Tease, being oonveneQ in a regular session at the court house of said county, in Kerrville Texas, ell the members of said oonrt being present, to-wit: Lee wallaee, County Judge. F. A. Barger, Commissioner Pre. No. One. James Crotty, Commissioner Pra. No. 4ww Hngo wieQenfel$, Commissioner Pre, fte. 9Lree, C. A. Rodgers, Commissioner of Pre. No.4. 11nd passed the tollowing order, to-wit: On this day Dame on to be heard and conalQersd the petition of J. P. Reinhard, and over fifty other peraone,ih~ are resident property tax payers and qualified voters of Commissioner's PreA3ECt No. Two of Kerr County, Texas, being politiosl subdivision of said County and deaoribed by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the S.E. oor. Precina~io.l at a point in Kerr and Bandera County line on go`Ini'ty ~ Sa~.> Sur. No.l, A. B. & M. about 600 vrs. 7P. from its E. line. Thanoe S.E. with said~t~ point about where eai$ County line intereeots the S.W, line of Snr. No.611} dos. Torres; Thenae dne~N. to a point ~n 11. line:~ot`,Sur. No.64, Jsmes.Yva7tey at the S.w. oorner of a e~i!$ivi- ei7ln oY same; thanes East td S ~. oor, of aaiQ sob-divigion, th~ae H. crossing t~h~" .. Guadalupe Rider'at s,E. gor~rbnrvey i7o:8$, gbo. I. Hoo6af~$ ~ ~ ,°