ash 4/ 2n O'Omm18b10ners' Conr'E, 1 Special January Term, 1917. Kerz Connty,Texsa. 1 Janux~ry 20th, 1917. oZ0 It is ordered by the Court that the sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollase be and the same is hereby 6rdarad transferred from the Ad Valorem Fund of thla County to the Jury Fund. ~` ~~ Aoo our.te were allowed by the Court ea shown by the minutes of accounts allowed by said Court, which are made apart of these minutes. There being no further business to come before the Court, Court Ad3ournea. Tha foregoing minutes from page 238 to 239 inclusive wore read in open Court this January 20th, 1917, and same having been found correct are hereby approved. Attee :^ p bunt er . --o-o-o-oeeeeoeoeoeoeoeo-o-o-o- THE STATE OF TESAS, COUNTY OF KERB. BF. IT REMEMBERED, That on this lEth day of February A.D. 1917, there was begun and holden a Regalar Term of the Commieaionez's Court in and foz Xerr County, Texas, at the Court Hones thereof in the town of Kerrville, Texas. OFFICERS PRESEflT. Hon. Lee Wallaoe, IIounty Judge. F. A. %arger, Commiaeioner of Preoinat No.l James Crotty. " " " Ho.$ Hugo Wiedeateld, " " " flh•3• .C.;Ar $w~lgera, " " flo.4. J. R. Leavell, Clerk and J. T. Poore, Sheriff. ~,Z~ The Court haviag regularly opened the tollowiag progeedings were had, to-wit;-- TRE STATE OF T&1CA8, County of %err. February 12th, 1917. On this the 1ffith day of February, 1917, the Commieaioner'e Court of Kerr County, Tease, being oonvensd in a regular aeesion at the oourt home of said oounty, Sa Kerrville Texas, all the members at said oonrt being present, to-wit: Lee Wallsoe, County Judge. F. A. Karger, Commiaeioner Pre. flo. Oae. James Crotty, Commiaeioner Pr a. No,"!wM Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commiaeioner Pre, flo. 3Eree, C. A. Rodgers, Commiaeioner of Pre. flo.4. Mud passed the following order, to-wit: On this day oame on to be heard and considered the petition of J. P. Reinhard, and over Yifty other persone,»lt~ are resident property tax payers and qualified voters of Commissioner's Pretlhat fla. Two of Kerr County. Taxes, being politiosl aubdivieion of said County and described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the S.E. oor. Preoinc~o.l at a point in Kerr and Bandera County line on gd:mty 4ne-~ Sus. No.l, A. B. & M. about 800 vre, W. from its E. line. Thenoe S.E. with said7t~ point about where said County line iatereeots the S.W. line of Sur. No.61} Jos. Torres; Thenoe dne~H. to a point is W. 11ae.ot;:SUr. flo.84, ~smee.][urftay at the S.W. oornes of a at~divi- aitdn oi'eeme; thenoe Hest t0 5,~. oor, at eaiQ sub-divipion; thppo4;.A, orosaing t~hew> Gua:ialupa Ainer~ at S.L. ~aorner'~nrd;ey' ~S$. Qbo. i. Hoe6afd "~ ' . • ,: • .d,. .~~ ..~ s~,