..2 y for the purpose of fleteiming whether county bonds shall be Saeued.. All peraone ~fba.,are property tax-payers and who are qualified electors reai di ng with is said Road District No.two of Kerr County, Texas, shall be allowed to vote at said ~l~o-- tion„ and all voters desiring to support the propcaition 4n isane bonds shall have written printed on their ballots the wor de ^For the isauanoe of bonds and tho levying of a tax in meat thereof,^ and all those opposed to the propoaitton to issue bonds shall have written printed on their ballots the words "Against the issuance of bonds and the levying of a tea payment ther efor,^ 1 copy of this order signed by the bounty Judge of the COUnty aforesaid shall serve na a proper notice of said election and the County Judge is directed to cause Ysid notice to be published in a newep ap er in said Road District No. Two of Kerr County, Tease, for "~ fa˘r successive weeks next preceding said election and cause a notice thereof to be poste8 at three public places in said :load Diatriot No. Two of said County and one notice at the Court house d'dYA~' therof, for three weeks prior to the date of said election. Kerr County. Nos. 173 & 176. Quarterly Repo rts. The quarterly reports of E. H.Turner, Justice of Peace Pre.No.l, Ed Sni th, Justice of Peace Preainet No.4, and J.R.Leavell, County Clerk examined and approved. In Commisaionere' Court, Febr~.iary 12,1917. Kerr Courrty. ~ µ0Z3 On this day came on fi be heard and c~neidered the petition of J. J. Denton and otlnra Yor a st^ek law in School District No.2, at Ingram, Kerr County, Texas, and the same having been considered and f^und inauffioi