asl Serr County, No. 186, In )tatter of Cherry Creek Road. F. A. Karger, J~ee Crotty and Hugo Wiedenield are hereby appointed as a Com- mittee to investigate and ad~uat the trouble arising from a certain water dump ereoted soross the Cherry Creek Road which drains the flood water on to Leeder'e pi81d. The foregoing minutee from page 249 to 2b1 inclusive were reed in open Court and found oorr~eot,.andDarOe in all things approved, this the 26th day of Yaroh, A. D. 1917. elsrk ~y n ge. THE STATE OF TEYA.3, ) COUNTY OF KERB. ) BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this the 31st day of March, A.D,1917,there Wae begun and holden a Speoiel Term of the C~mmissionera' Court, in and for Kerr County, Texas, at the Court Konse thereof in the town of Kerrville, Tezae, ~ OFFICERS PEESENT;-- Hon. Lee Wallace, County Judge F.~.Karger, Commissioner,Precinet flo.l, James Crotty, Commissioner Precinct No.2, Hugo Wiedenield, Commissioner Precinct No.3, C.A.Rodgers, Commissioner Precinct No.4, J.T.Moore, Sheriff and J.R.Leavell, County Clerk; The Court having been regularly opened the following proceeingds were had, ta-wit;-- In Commieeionera' Court, ) ) Yarch 31st, 1917. - .J.~ Kerr County. 1 T ~ 3 7 ~ It Ss ordered by the Commissioners' Court Ghat a Neighbor-hood road be and tho same is ee.tabliehed aorosa that part of Survey No.ti47 Sn name of Francisco Gomel, now owned by J.A.MeHdyde, said road to be 16 feat in width and to run fr~e-ireet line of said enb-division of Survey No.b47 owned by J.A.MCByrde to the East 1~` Of said youth of J.d.MOBrydes residence, Survey to where aeme intereeote the Kerrville and Bandera Road; Said-road to be malntltcned and kept np by W.R.Edwards, whose benefit said road is eatabliaed, # ~ µ3 ~ -------------------------- In Commissioners' Court, ) Spacial March Term, March 31at,1917, Kerr County,Toxae. ) It is ordered by the Court that the svm of One-Hundred and Twenty-Six Dollars ha:aedtthe same is hereby transferred from Common .School District No.17 to Common School District No.~B, and a certified copy of this ordered to be furnished the School Depository of said County for his convenience. REPOT;T 03' CHL'2RY C;EEK ROAD COBIIII.'TEE. y'3 5 Kerrville, Texas, March 31,1917. We, The Corunitee appointed to examine and report on the drainage of the Cherry Creek Road, where same separates the premises of Gue Ehlers and Gustav Leedar hereby beg to report ea follows: That Gus Ehlers take care of end aecomodate the surface water telling on and coming on hie premises and that Gustav Leedar be required to do the same, socording to the nstnral folew of wrier, :~,,;