Raspaotfully Submitted, F.A.Karger, Cocuniasionar Preoinct No.l James Crotty, Commissioner Preoinct No.E Hugo Wiedenield, Commissioner Precinct No. 3. Parch 31st,1917, Tha ioregoing report was this day accepted and approved, an3 the same is hereby made the,gsdar of thls Court, and the Clerk is required to enter the same in the minutes of this oourt ea such. -o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-~- There being no Purthor business to comebefore the Court at this time, Court adjourned.' 4he Poregoing minutes Yrom page 2bl to 254 wore read ant Youud correct in open Court this the 31st day of March A.D. 1917, ware approved. attest /~-L t~.t n D ~~.62'~C. ~- Olin y a a, -o- o-o- a o-o- o- o- o-o-o- o- o- o- o-o-o-o- I THE $TATn OF TLKAS,) ) COUI;TY OF KERit. ) BE lT RLIHEMBERE-, That on this the 9th. day of April, A.D. 1917, was begun and holden s $paoisl Term oP the Sommieaionere' Coast in and for Karr County, at the Court House thereof in the town of Kerrville, Texa@; OF1'ICEE23 PRESENT: Ron. Lee Wallace Cpunty Judge. F.A.Kasger, Opmmisaioner Preoinct No. 1 James Grotty, Qommlealoner Preoinot No. E. Hugo Nledenfeld, ~pmmiasioner Praoinot No. 3. C. A. Rodgers, Commissioner Preoinct No. 4. J. R. Leavall, Claxk and J. T. Poore, $hariff. ,, 3 - Ths Conrt `ing been regularly opened, the following prpeeedinga wars had, to-wit: L` In Cammiealonar'e Court,l ,~ Karr County. 1 April 9th, 1917. `~ T ~ ~ It ie ordered by the Oaurt that Quetave Leerier shall not hinder or divert the aurfaoe flow of water reaohing his premiaee along the Cherry Creek Aoad from sear the ,'. ~puth lest oorner of due. Ehler's Henoe, s tree to top of the hill, going South. '~ It is fnrtherad ordered that the Clerk of this Court furaieh Nr. Leerier a 'a3e3q ;Copy of thin OrQer. t' 3n CAezniaaioner'e Court, ~_ $paeial April Term. ~=t` "'' $err Couaty. 1 ![onday April 9th, 1917. Y~ ~~ '# y ~} I It Se ordered by the Court that the Sohool Hpuee Sends, amounting to X3000.00 a f'±px C~gmmon ~ohool -istriot No. 8 of Ingram, Derr County, Ta7tae, be pnsohasa,d at par Value, h , i,,pf and,fos Kerr Cpunty Permanent sohool Fund. ". _ ., ,, _ , .. s .,