~~~ THE STATE OF TESAS, ) OOUNTY OF RERR. )) BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this the 4th day of June, A.D. 1917, there was begun and holden a Speoial Term of the Commissioners' Court Sn and for Kerr County, Texas, at the Court House thereof in the town of Kerrville, Texas; OFFICERS PRESENT: Hon. yea Wallace, County Judge, F.A.Karger, Commissioner Preoinet No.l, dames Crotty, Commissioner Precinct No.E, Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commissioner Praoinot No.3, C.A.Rodgere, Commissioner Preainot No.4, J.R. Leavell, County Clerk and J.T.MOare, Sheriff, The Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit:-- No.203 Kerr County: Appointment of Justice of Peaoe. June 4th,1917. On this day came oa to be cor~id ered the application of Edward S~~ith, ea king this court to appoint him Justice of the Peace within and for Breoi net No.4, of Kerr County, Texas, and the Court having considered the same, and it appearing thet_said Edward Smith, is a Ylt person and qualified for such offl ce, it Ss therefore ordered that his application be accepted~snd he ie hereby appointed Justice of thN Peaoe in and for Justice Pre:lnot No. 4 0£ Kerr County, Texas, and the Clerk of this Eourt will notify said Smith to appear and execute the required Bond as Jun flee ~f the Peaoe and take the oath o£ off is e. Karr County: Bond a£ Edward Smith, Jurie 4th,1917. On this day came Edward Smith into open Court and presented'hia Bond sa Justice of the Peaoe for Preoinet No.4, under appointme.atof this Court, and Gourt having examined the same and found it to be a good and lawful bond the same 1.~ approved. No.204, In Commisaionera' Court, ) ) Kerr County. ) Board of EgnAiisAtiop. June 4th,1917. Court met as a Board o£ Egn3]HZaSion on above date end Equalized the assessments of those parties heretofore notified by thEa Court, minutes of the proceedings found in the LSinutea of Hoard of Equalization Book 1 pages 6 to 12 inelnaive, which ie made a part of these minutes. 7# ~ y'~ ----'-_-___~--~___-----_- IN COMMISSIONERS' COURT,) KERR COUT7TY,TEKAS. ) TA% LEVY FOR 1,817. On this the 4th dqV of Jnne A.D. 1917, at a apaoiel Term of this Court a full board being present and participating the Court proceeded to Levy County Taxes for the year 1917, It is ordered by the Court tPiat the following County Taxes be le Vied upon all tsa- able property situated Sn Kerr County, Texas, on the 1st day oY Jenuery AiD.1917, Viz: Ad Valorem Tax of S0 cents oa eaoh ;100.00 valuation. 8~ad and Bridge, 18 cents on eaoh '100.00 Valuation. Road District Eo.1, 17 oentagn sash ~100,Oq valuation.