2(o Q A. B. Williamson, ~oun ty Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13 day of Aug. 1917. J. R. Leavell, Clerk. (SEAL) County Court, Kerr County, Texas. E'iled with the Vouchers eaoompanying same, this 13 day of Aug. 1917. J• R. Leavell, County Clerk, Kerr County, Teaas. Examinad and approved, and Yona he ra canes lied in open Commissioners' Court, th is 1.'.~ day of Aug. 1917. Lee Wallace, Presiding Officer Commisaera's Court, Counts. Tr_xas. The State of Texas. In Commissioner's Court, County of Kerr. Aug. Term, 1917. Before me, the Undersigned Authority, personally appeared the members of the Commissioner's Court of said County „whose names are below subscribed, who upon their oaths do say: That the requirements of Art. 867, Chapter 1, Title X%V, of the Reoiaed Statues of Texas, amended by the regular sesaicn of the twenty-fifth Leglslature have in all th toga been complied with, and that the cash and other assets mentioned in the quarterly report made and tiled in this Conrt by A. B. Williamson, County Treasurer of said County for the quarter ending the 30th day of April, 1917, and Held by hin for said County, have been fully inapea tad and counted by us this term of Court, and that the amount of money and othe assets in the hands of said treasurer are as follows: Cteh in the hands of the County Depository, - - - - =7279.24 Other Assets; One City of Kerrville Bond, - - - - - ~ Total - - - - - - X7279.24 Lee Wallace, County Jude. F. A. Kamer, Com'r. Prect, No.l Janes Crotty, " go.2 Hugo Wiedenfeld " ^ No.3 Chas. Rodgers " No.4 Sworn and subscribed to before me this the l:~th day of Aug. 1917. J. R. Leavell, (SEAL) County Clerk, Kerr County, Texas. µ ~ ~ state of Texas, In Commissioners'a Court. County of Kerr. August Term, 1917, On this the 15th day of August, 1917, came on to be considered the matter of ascertaining and determing the present population of each City and Town and Justice Precin in the County of Kerr, State of Texas, in accordance with the provisions of Section 95 of the Act of the 31st Legislature, regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors, and it app ea ing, at the request of this Court, the Superintendent .of Public Instruction of Kerr Count has presented to ^nd filed in this Court, his report showing the present total schoolastio population, or census, of each City, Town and Justice Precinct in Kerr County, as last taken and returned by the proper authorities to said Superintendent of Public Instruotioa in the year 1917, to be as follows, to-wit: Total School Canaue of the City of Kerrville in Karr County, Texas. 603 Total School census oY Justice's Preolnce No.l, in Kerr County, Te xns, which embraces Kerrville, the only 2,7unioipal Corporation in said County, 776, Total School census of Juatio's Precinct No. E, in Kerr County, Texas, .E73-. local gohool benan~ of Justice Preoiret No. 3, in Kerr County, Texas, 133 Total sohool oenaus oP Justice's Precinct No. 4, in Kerr County, Texan, 42E It is therefore asoertained, determined, adjudged and decreed by the Court, that the pre- sent total population of each City, Town and Justice's Preoino~~ot Kerr County, Texas is ae follows, to-wit: The total population of the City of Kerrville, in Herr County, Texas is 3015 The total population of Juatioe'a Present No. 1, in Kerr County, ~L~exes, which ertibreaee the City of Kerrville, is 8880 The total population of Justice's Preoinoe No. 2, in Kerr County, Texas, is 1365 The total population of Justice's Preelnct No. 3, in Kerr Couuty, Texan, is 66b, The total population of Justice's Preoinet No. 4, in Kerr County, Texas, is E110 It is ordered further, that c copy of the above and foregoing order be made by the Clerk of this Court, and sa~r.-e be sent to the Comptroller oY 'rublic Aoocvnts of the state o Texas. lee Wgllaae, County Judgo, Kerr County, F. A. Karger, Com'r Prec. No. 1 James Crotty, " " No. E Hugo 171edenfeld, " No. 3 Chas. Rodgers, " " No. 4, Karr County. Do. 216. 0881aera Report a. The quarterly reports of the Poll ;wing named Offisere were examined and approved, to-wit; J.R.Leavell, County Clerk, J.T,MOOre, Sheriff, E.H. Turner ,Justine of the Pease Precinct No.l, and James Crotty, Jnatioe of the Peace Preoinct Ho.2. and A.B.Williamaon, County Treasurer. Kerr County, No.216. Paupers for quarter. The following named persona were allowed X4.00 each for the neat three months beglnnin~ with August let, and ending October 31at,1917, to-wit;- Jaoob, Jesse and Mra. Jaoob Reinhard, Mrs. Elsie -nderson, Mre.Maurer and John Coulter, who are to have said tour dollars in grooeriee paid by @arahanta in their respectivea towns of residences, and bills proaented by said iaerehants to this Court, and the following ˘llowad Vouchers issued direot in their names and delivered to them, Via. c6rs. John Story, wra. D. Rains Mre. E.2d,Norton, mra. & Miss Gilman. mre. d,M.Dowda, and John Clemente. 8err County. No. 217, Ra-embursement. Vouroher for $3.00 is ordered drawn on Advaloeeu Fund in favor of County Clerk, J.R,leavell, to reimbuae him in that amount of Stenographers fees whioh have been turned into the County Treasure oP this Kerr County, twice in Cause No.1004 J.H.MaNees 4e. Jennie LAOHeee, as shown by quarterly reports on file. Key's @onnty, No.E19. Tax Assessors Rolle. The Tax Assessors Rolls foe the year 1917 werg examined and approved a ?o