' a 'O ' Total hohool 8enean of Justic s Precinct No. 3, in Kerr Co m~ty, Texas, 133 Total sohool oenaus of Justice's Precinct Ido. 4, i n Kerr County, Texas, 4EE It is theraPore asoert alned, determined, adjudged and decreed by the Court, that th• pre- , sent total population oY each City, Town and Juetioe 'e Preoino~~ot Kerr County, Texas is ea follows, to-wit: 'i'he total population of the City oP derrville, in Kerr County, Texas ie 3U15 The total population of Justice's Precept I7o. 1, in Kerr County, 1'exrs, which embraoea the City of Kerrville, is 8880 The total population of Justiae`a Preoinoe No. 2, in Kerr County, Texas, is 1365 The total population of Justice's Precinct No. 3, in Kerr County, Tezae, is 66b. The total population of Justice's Preoinot No. 4, in Kerr County, Texas, is 2110 It is ordered furthor, that a o~~py of the above and Foregoing order be made by the Clerk oP this Court, and same be sent to the Comptroller oP Public Aooeunte oP the State of Texas. Lae PJgllace, County Jude, Kerr County, F. A. Karger, Com'r Pree. No. 1 Jee!es Crotty, " " No. 2 Hugo 4giedenfel8, " " No. 3 Ches. Rodgers, " " No. 4. Kerr County. 90. 216. Oddioera Reports. The quarterly reports of the toll wing named offieora ware examined and approved, to-wit; d.R.Leavell, County Clerk, J.T.MOOre, SheriYf, E.R. Turner ,Justine oY the Pease Precinct Ro.l, and James Erotty, Justice oY the Peace Preoinat Ho.2. and d.B.Ailliamaon, County Treasurer. Kerr ®ounty, Ro.E16. Paupers for Quartor. The Poll owing named persona were allowed j4.00 each for the neat three months beginnin^ with 6uguat let, and ending Ootober 31at,1917, to-wit;- Jaoob, Jesse and Mra. Jaoob Reinhard, Mrs. Kleie Anderson, Mrs.Maurer and John Coulter, who are to haroe said four dollars in groceries paid Dg ®erohants in their respecticea towns oP residences, and bills presented by said Merchants to this Court, and the Poll^wing allowed Vouchers issued direot in their names and delivered to them, Viz, Mrs. John Story, Mra. D. Rains Mrs. E.M,ROrton, Mra. & Miss Gilman, mra. J,M.1]owda, and John Clements. Kerr County. No. 217, Re-embursement. Vouroher Por j3.00 ie ordered drawn on Advalotea Fund in favor of bounty Clerk, J.R.Leavell, to relmbnse him in that amount oP 5ltenographera Pees which have been turned into the County Treasure oY this Kerr County, twine in Cause No.1004 J.H.MoRees Ve. Jennie MaNess, ea shown by quarterly reports on file. $e,j'Y 9ounty, No.E19. Taz Assaseora Rolle. The Tax Assessors Rolls foe' the year 1917 wer9 examined and approved