Total aohool 6ensas of Justic's Precinct No. 3, 1n Kerr County, Texas, 133 Total school census of Justioe's Precinct TSo. 4, in Xerr Oounty, Texas, 42E It is there Pore asoertained, determined, adfudged and decreed by the Court, that the pre- sent total population oY each City, Town and Justice's Preoiae~ 03 Kerr County, Texea is as follows. to-wit: The total population oY the City oP Herrville, in Xerr County, Texas is 3015 The total population of Juatioe'a Precent PJO. 1, in Kerr County, l~exrs, which embraoea the City of Karrvil.le, is 5880 The total population oY Juatioe`a Preoince No. 2, in Kerr County, Texea, is 1365 The total pngulatioa oP Justice's Precinct No. 3, in Kerr County, Teas, ie 66b. The total population oY Justice's Preoinet No. 4, in Kerr County, Texas, is 2110 It is ordered Yurther, that c copy oY the above and Foregoing order bo made by the Clerk of this Court, an d same be sent to the Comptroller oYrublic Aooeunts oY the State o Texas. Lee Agllaee, County Judge, Derr County, Te F. A. Karg ar', Coct'r Prec. No. 1 James Crotty, ^ " No. 2 Hugo Niedenfeld, " " No. 3 Chas. Rodgers, " " No. 4. Kerr County. Do. 216. 0881cers Reports. The quarterly reports oY the Poll wing named oFPieere ware examined and approved, to-wit; J.R.Leavell, County Clerk, J.T.MOOre, SheriFY, E.H. Turner ,Justice of the Peaoe Precinct No.l, and James Crotty, Justioe oP the Peace Preoinet No.2. and A.B.Ailliameon, County Treasurer, Kerr County, No.216. Paupers For Quarter. The Yollowing named persons were allowed X4.00 each for the neat three months beginnin,^. with August let, sad ending Ootober 31at,1917, to-wit;- Jacob, Jesse and Mra. Jaoob Reinhard, R4ra. Elsie Anderson, Mra.Maurer and John Coulter, who era to have said four dollars in grooeries paid Dy @erohanta in their respecti~ea towns oY residences, and bills preaeated by said caerchants to thin Court, and the Yoll~wing allowed Vouchers issued direst in their names and delivered to t!tem, Vis, airs. John Story, sera. ll. Rains Mrs. E.M.Rozton, mrs. & Miss Gilman, sere. J,M.Dowda, and John Clemente. -° Kerr County. No. 217, Ra-embursement, Vnuroher For $3.00 ie ordered drawn on Advaloeee Fund in Yavor oP f ,:_', County Clerk, J.R.Leavall, to reimbuse him in that amount oY 8tenographere Peea whioh have t`rt been turned into the County Treasure oP this Kerr County, twice in Cauee No.1004 J.H.MoNees ~,'; Va. Jennie aoNees, as shown by quarterly reports on File. 8o7FSc Qounty, IIo.219. Tax Asaesaors Rolls. The Tax Asaesaors Rolls Fos the year 1917 were examined and approved aka a71 and final settlement made with said Assessor for hie salary for the year 1917, as follows, to-wit: Voucher orders drawn for 100.30 on Advalorem fund as balance due out of said $und; ~100.E0 on Road and Bridge Fund, as balance due out of said Fund;- $60.04 out of the Oourt House and Jail Fund as balance due out of said Fund:- X20.02 out of Jail Repair fund as balance due out of eadd Fund, and $20.02 out of the Jury Fund and balance due out of said Fund. Kerr County, No.214 Levy of Tax, 3ahoA1 Diet.}5. August ~4~1},1917. It is ordered by the Court that a tax oY 25 cents be and the same is hereby levied for Local kfaintenance purposes, on each X100.00 Valuation on sll taxable property in SommoH.rechool District No.5 of Kerr County, Texea, for the year 1917. Kerr. County, No. 213. Returns of Speoid.l Election. August 14th,1917. On this day oame on to be considered the returns of an election hr-ld on the 26th day oY July q.D,1917,in common School District No.5, of Kerr County, upon the question of supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to said District fnr the support and maintenance oP public Pree schools thereon, by laving and collecting annually 25 cents on the 100.00 valuation on ell taxable property in said District. And 1E appearing that said election was in all respects legally held, en& that said returns sere duly ar.d legal- ly made and that there were oast at said election 11 votes, of which number there were asst; For Sehool Tax, Eleven Votes, Against Sahnol Tax, Votes. end it appearing to the Court from said returns that a mh~ority of the qualified property tax paying voters of ssid District voting at said election voter, in favor of and for said tax, the Court does hereby declare the said tax to have carried in arsld District, and that this Court Is authorized tc levy and have assessed end collected said tax. -------------------------- No. 221, Kerr County. Kerrville, Tex95, August 15th,1917. It wee desided by the Court that the salary end work of Farm Demonstra- tion eaent for Kerr County be discontinued after expiration of present year of employment. It was further ordered by the (3ourt that a resolution of approval of the work o_^ A.G.Baker, present Demonstration Agent of Kerr County be passed end spread on the minutes of this Court and same is hereby accordingly done. 'ihere being no further bu::iness to cone beYore the Court at this time, the Court Adjourned until next term, after having read and approved the foregoing minutes from page 266 to v71 inclusive. Attest: /V/~~~-t-`p oun~y ,T g~ oun y~i.'S-er-k- -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-