a~'i~. '. 'ate uiat ui ve aasau rr ,, ) ~„, -COUNTY OF SERB. `"~~^r BE IT RED6Ei:BERED, That on this the$.71Ah day mY;l~vguet, 1,917', tl~r#~,: sY wee begun and holden a apeaiel term of the 0om~~iaaionere' Court in and Yor Kerr County,Tezae ¢i'f at the Court Houae thereof, in Kerrville, Tezea: CBFICERS PRESENT: i'u- Hon. Lee Wallace, Oounty Judge, F.A.Ke.rger, Commissioner Preoinot No.l, Jmeee Grotty, Oommiaeioner Preoinot No.E, '~"' Hugo Aiedenfald, Commissioner Preoinot No.3, :~. Comm leeioner Preoinot No.4, ~~' C,A.Rodgera, J.T.YOOre, SherifY end J.R.Leavell, Clerk. ~`"~~ Tha Court having been regularly opened the Yollowing prooeedings were had,to-wit:- Aaoounta against Kerr County were allowed ae shown 1n fiinutes oY Acoounta s114wed in Book Ho.3 pages 108 and 109, whioh are made a part oY these minutes. 2 No.EE3, Kerr County. BIDS ON CERTER POINT BRIDGES. It is ordered by the 6ourt that all bide received by the Count " on the two Concrete Bridges eoroas the Guadalupe River near the town of Center Point, are hereby reQeoted. No.224, Herbst & Kutzer,. Karr County. '1 he Clerk oY the Court is ordered tQ draw 9ouohera on $oad and Bdidge Fund No.3, Yor Commissioners precinct No.3, in favor OY Albert Herbst Sn the sum oY !13.78, and in favor oY Ernst Kutzer, for ;16.EE Yor strips of 1a,nda.ofY oY their raepectivea lands purchased by Kerr County. There being no iUrther business to come before the Court at this time, Court Adjourned until next term, after having read the Yoregoing minntee in open o ourt 4n this Page E72, Attoat: y/'~ ~(,~~ ,~ O D oun yid-ge. o-~-_ y ISI'" erT-~~ =o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- THE STATE OF TEARS COUNTY OF KEAR. $E IT REitEl6BEHED, That on this the 10th day of September,1917, there was begun and holden a Speoiel Term of the 6ommiaeionere' Court dd dndrfor Kerr Count Tezae, at the 6ourt Houae thereof, in Kerrville, a'szea; ;,; ~ OFFICERS PRESENT: `s=~ Hon. Lee wallnoe, Coonty Judge. l.A.Karger, Commissioner Preoinot Ao.l James Czotty, Commissioner Preoinot No. 2, Hugo Wiedenfeld, 6ommieaioaer prepinot Ho.3, C.A.Hodgera, Oommieaioner Preoinot No.4, srT.leoore, iherlYf, Cnd J.R.Leavell, Clark. . u'. ?{~icd;.tourt havidy'$ beeq,,~y]eaplj*, opaaed the fcj,lMting prpRe419in~s erg had, to-wit:.+