a ~3 Ho.EEB, Serr County. Aooounta Allowed. Aaoounts against Kerr County allowed sa shown in Minutes of Aooounta Allowed, Book Ho.3, page 110, to which reference is hereby made. Ho.2E6 In Commissioners Court, ) Special September '1'erm.1917. I Kerr County,Tezsa. ) September 10th, 1917. On this the 10th day of Sept ember,1917, the matter to ra-con Sider employment of K.G.Beker as Demonatratlon Agent of Kerr County, came on to be heard and it appearing to the Court that the U.S.GOVernment and the Citizens of ~serr County,iexas, promise the payment of 3/4 of his Salary, leaving only 14th to be paid by Kerr County, being the s9m of Five Hundred ($600.00) Dollars, for the coming year of employment. It is therefore ordered by a majority of the Court that the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars be paid K.G.Beker, in monthly payments, for his services sa llemonstration Agent of Kerr Scanty, :ease, for one year after his present Oontraot shall expire upon hie compliance with hie term of his Contract to be entered_into hereafter. There being nn further business to some before the Court, Court ddjourned, after having read the ab we and foregoing minutes from middle of page E72 to middle of page 273 inclue Attest:- oun y L er ounce g~T- THE STATE OP TEAS, 1 COUNTY OF %EHR. T BE 1T RENBJSBERED, That on this EEnd day of September d.D. 1417, of Ferr Oonnty, there was begun and holden, a Speoisl Term of the Commiaeionere' Court,,.at the Oonrt house thereof, in the town oY 8errrills,Tezae: OFFICERS PRESENT: Bon. Lee •slisoe, F.A.Ynrger, Jae.Crotty, C.A.Bodgera, J.T.MOOre, Sheriff and J.R.yeavsll, Clerk. County Judge, Commissioner Precinct Ho.l, Commiaeioner Precinct Ho.E, Commissioner Preainnt Ho.4, Court having been regularly opened and the following business traneaoted,to-wit: !(inntee of accounts allowed against Ferr County, se shown by MSnntee of daoonnt Illowe8 Book Ho.3, page 111, whdoh are referred to an9 made a part of these minn~ee. ~ ~6a Oonnty Surveyor was inatructad to mate Highway Papa for gŪrr County, faawrdYlgeso the provieioas of the dote of the 3bth Legialatnre of Tezaa, under Ehapter 190, section Ho.10, The foregoing minutes read and found correct, in open Court, were npprovsd this EEnd day of September, d.D. 1917. A~~T~~TEnpSTp/~: Sr ii,rt...a~ ~w1.1 _ _ C]srY 7 n ge, szr oun y, sane.