a ~3 110.886, Kerr Oonnty. Aooounta Allowed, Accounts against Kerr County allowed as shown in lfinutes of Aeoounta Allowed, Book No..3, page 110, to which reference ie hereby made. Ho.226 In Commissioners Court, ) Speoial September Term,1917. Kerr County,Texea. ) September 10th, 1917, On this the 10th day of September,l917, the matter to re-consider employment of K.G.Baker as De monatration Agent of Kerr County, name on to be heard and it appearing to the Court that the U.S.Government and the Citizens of Kerr County,5'exas, promise the payment of 3/4 of his Salary, leaving only 14th to be paid by Kerr County, being the eirm of Five Hundred ($b00.00) Dollars, for the ooming year of employment, It is therefore ordered by a majority of the Court that the sum of Five Hundred (~b00.00) Dollars be paid K.G.Baka r, in monthly payments, for his services as llemonstration Agent of Ifs rr Oounty, Texas, for one year alter hia present Contraot shall expire upon his compliance with his term of his Oontract to be entered into hereafter. There being nn further business to oome before the Court, Court ddjnurned, after having read the above and foregoing minutes from middle of page E72 to middle of page 273 inclue atte~t:- oun y C er ~oun~dge. T- THH STATE OF TEEA9, COUf1TY OF BBHR. t BE 1T REHEN'BERED, That oa this EEnd day of September A. D. 1917, of Kerr County, there was began and holden, a Speaisl Term of the Commieaioaere' Court,,,at the Court home thereof, in the town of 8errvills,Tezae: OFFIOEBS PRESENT: Hon. Lee lallaee, F.A.Knrger, Jae.Crotty, C.A.$odgera, J.T.MOOre, Sheriii and J.H.Leavell, Clerk. County Judge, Commissioner Preoiaot Ho.l, Commissioner Preoiaot Ho.E, Commissioner Preainat Ho.4, Court having been regularly opened nad the following buaiaeas trsneacted,to-wit: Minutes of sooounta allowed egalnet Kerr County, ae shown by Minntee of Aooonnt Allowed Book Ho.3, page 111, whdoh are referred to and made a part of these minutes. # 46 ~. Oomty Surveyor was instructed to make $ighway Ynpa for Ksrr County, •eamcdttlgaaso the provia loss of the lots of the 36th Legialatnra of Terse, ender •hnpter 190, Section Ho.10, The foregoing minutes read and found oorreat, in open Oonrt, were approved this EEnd day of September, A.D. 1917. ATTEST: CUtk ~~e• errTono y~aae.