a,s __. ___. %err County. Apportionment of State Highway Fund. The sum of $b60.00 known ae the Btate Highway Fund apportioned to 8err Qounty Yrom Stata-.Highway Department Yor koad purposes, Se ordered apportioned to the Sour ooromisaioners Precincts ae follows: Precinct Ho.l, the enm of yE18.00; Preoinet Ho.E, the sum of $106.40; Preainot Ho.3, the sam oY $72.40 end Preoinet Ho.4, the anm or ~16E.40; --0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Ho.234, IH C!)MHIS3IOHERS' COURT, ) Hovember 13th, 1917. KERR COUHTY,TEBAS. 1 On this the 13th day of Hovember,l919, atta regular term or the Commiasion~re' Court of Kerr County, 'l~exae, came on to be heard the petition oY nev. J.B.Riddle and 386 others for Local Option Eleotion in 6ommiaeionere' Preoinlta Hoe.1,E and 4 of Kerr County, and it appearing to the majority oP this aonrt that Our Coarte of lest resort are divided on the Constitutionality and legality of ouch an election ea Sa here sought and that our Court of Criminal Appeals to which resort meet De ohie Ply had for the efYeotive enforcement of anah law, hen in sundry oases, where such question hsa been beYore said Gonrt, announced the invalidity and unoonetitutionality oY an election, snoh ea ie here proposed and a mn~ority oP this Court holding opinion 1n ooneoneace with auoh de~ieeiona, and believing that auoh an election and a Looel Option Law based thereon would be invalid, and Ynrther in their discretion, ~ndioially exercised, believing auoh proposed election wo nld not enbaerve the ands sought to be attained by a valid Local Option Eleotion and exercising the discretion allowed by law in snoh oases, it is the opinion of the ma~or- Sty of this Court that the petition should not be granted and it is eo ordered. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Ho.E36, KERR COUHT7C. PAUPERS FOR QUARTER. It ie ordered by the Court that the following named persona be each e11ow the sum of $4.00 each per month for the months oY Hovember, December and Jeanary, and paid to them ae heretofore been the ordea oP thde Court, f4i: Jacob, Je see and >~re. Jacob Reinhardt,- ears. D. Raines, Mra. John Story, Mre. Maurer, Mra. Elaie lndereoa, Mre.Gilman, Mies Gilman,- Mra. 1.M.Horton,- John Clemente and John c;onlter. -0-0-0-0-:-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 -0-0-0 Ho.E36 %err Žonnty, TranaYer. The sum oY E1 dente Sa hereby ordered transferred Prom the Advalorem Fund to the Speoisl Fend. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-~-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Ho.E37, Kerr County, Land for Road Purposes. . A vonaher for the sum of $44.48 is ordered drawn in favor of llea Ilpenrath, Yor a ten Yoot strip of lead purchased for Road Purposes by Commissioner oP Precinct no.3, , Hugo Wiedenfeld, for Kerr County. Said amn to be paid out of the road money apportioned to said Coruaisaioaere' PreelaeL 3e.3. -o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-