a~4 •. B. 1fILLIAY80H, Conaty Treasurer. 9110RB TO 1HD SUBBCRIHBD IBFORE 1Q<, this 13th day of Bovember, 1917. (BELL) Jno. R. Leavell, ly W. 1. Laoh td, Depaty. Clerk County Court, 8ers County, Teaae. CEzamine8 and approved, and Youoheze oanoelled in open Commissioner's Court, this 13th day of Bovember, 1917. LSB •ALL~CE, Presiding Oifioer Commieeioner'd Court, %err Oonnty, Tezas Filed with iouehera acoompaaying same, this 13th defy of Bovember, 1917. J. H. Leavell, County Clerk, Berr County, Tezas.) THE STATE OF TBaes,i IH C016[I98IOBHR'9 COURT, Bovember Term, 1917. { COUBTY OF %ERR.{ BEFORE YH, the andereigned authority, rsreonally appeared the members of the Commieaioner'e Court of said Court of aaid County, whose names are below snDeariDed, who upon their Oaths do say, that the requirements of •rtiole 867, Chnptsr 1, Title EZ7, of the reviled statutes of Teaae, emended by the ragalar session of the 28th Legielatnre have in ell things been oomplied with and that the Caeh and other Aaeete mentioned is the quarterly report made and filed in this Court by •. B. tilliameoa, Conaty Treasurer of aaid Conaty for the Quarter ending the 31st day o2 October, 1917 and held by him for aaid County have Deea Sully inepeotad and oounted by to at this term of avast sad that the amount of money and ithsr assets is the hands of aaid Tresanrer are sa follows; Oaeh in the handm of the Conaty Depository, ----------------~18,bb4.69 Other ~esete. °--------°----------------------~-----__--- -~ TOTIL, --------------~18,6b~,69 Ise Nallaoe, Conaty Judge, F. ~. %arger, Commissioner Praoinot Bo. 1. Jemea Crotty, Commissioner preoinot Ho. 2. Hugo giedenield, Commissioner Praoinot Ba. 3. C. ~. Rogers, Commieaioae: Preoiaot Bo. 4. 5110$1 ABD..8D88CEIHEI BEFORH Y8, this the 13th detiy of Bovember, 1917, Jno. R. Leavell, (SB•L1 County Clerk, $err County, Teaae. # ~. `~} o_o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o IH COlIBI98I0BBE'9 COOBT,{ Bovember Term, 1917. { %err Cotiuty, Tazaa. { - Bovember 18th, 1917. On this the lEth day of BovsaDer, Dams on to be ooasidered the matter of eztendiag the terms of the Oonaty Court of %err County, and it appearing to the Court that the interest of the Coasts and the people generally would be beet ooneervad Dy ex- tending the terse of sail overt. It is therefore ordered that the terms of the County Court be and the same are hereby sztsaded so es to aover a period of three months, aommenoing the iiret Yondsy is February, 1918, and for snob enooeeding three months thereafter. 0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 There being ao Slather Dnainess to Dome before the Court at this time it Se ordered that the same stands ad~onrned. The foregoing Binntes from Page 274 to Pegs 279 inolnei~e were read and ap- proved in open oonrt this the 13th day of Bovember, A. D. 1917, httset • Clert. '~ •-~ 0 o c -r Oonp s, err one ae.