~, 8 ~ the State of Texas, ' V Connty oP Kerr. PJFL:REAS, it hen been made to appear to thin Court that Kerr County, Tezae acting by and through A. McFarland, Agent for said Kerr County, did sell and convey to Jacob A. Pinson by its Warranty Deed oP date June 13th, 1884, the following described land, situa- ted in Brown County, Texas, to-wit: The Weat halves of sub-divisions Nos. 22 am9 23 of Kerr County School Lands, containing 160 sores of land, mor r. or less, and being Hart oY original IIurvey No. 277 of Kerr County School Lands originally granted to said County by the State of ':exas, said land being morn fully described in said decd which is of record in Vol, ^y" at page 502 of the Deed '~,ec or ds oŁ Br ovrn Count ~, ;exas, to which reference is here made; and 6'Iic3::A3, the consideration p˘id ar:d agreed to be paid by said Jacob A. Pinson was ~„640.00, y"p32,00 cash and one note oP even date with said deed, executed by said Jacob A. Pinson, pay- able to Kerr County, for X608.00 bearing interest at the rate of 10;'o per annum, and due in ten years after date; and, SY1IB:;I:A9, Kerr County did, acting by A. L. Finson, its Agent, execute and deliver to said Jacob A. Pinson a release bearing date January 28th, 1889, releasing the vendor'-s lien to secure said note, on the hereinabove described land, which release is of record in Vol. "y^ page 583 ~f the Doed iteoorda oP Brown County, Texas, to which reference is here made; and, WHEREAS, it has also been mado to appear to the Court that Kerr County, acting by her duly appoined agent,'A. fdeFarland, did sell and convey by its warranty deed to ^,. A. Pinson the following described land, to-wit; Situated in Brawn County, Texsa, being sub-3lvision No. 2 of Kerr County School land, being 200 acres, mire or lass, being a Hart of ori~ina2 Survey No. 277, more particularly described by mates and bounds in said feed which bears date September 7th, 1892 and is oP record in Vol. 37, page 178 of the Deed ,,,cords of Brown County Texsa, to vrhich reference is here made, the consideration paid by said ?, n. Pinson being y1000.00 in cash; and, WH1•itr^.SS, the Treasurer's books of r.err County, Texsa, upon examination, show that the purchase money mentioned in each and all of the several deeds of conv;;yance mentioned in tlis order, was paid to Kerr County as in said deeds and said release shown; that the considera- tions mentioned in said Seeds, was, in each instance, a fair consideration an3 price for staid land nt the several times and dates given in said deeds, and that there is some question raised as to the regularity oP such sales TBEaEFA:IF~, It is ordered by this Court that the said sales and said deeds and said re- lease mentioned in this order be in all things ratified and held and mode as valid and as binding on this Kerr County in all things as if acid esles and said deeds and said release had been made by the Commissioner's Court of this Count;? in the manner sr,3 form provided by law, at the several times and dates which they were attolppted to be made as in this order shown. 0- 0-0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- n- 0- 0- 0- ^- 0- ~- 0- 0 # u-6 ~ The State of Texris, Kerr County, lYrIl?Z.]AS, it has been mado to appear to this Lour*. that Kerr Court y, Tex- as, acting by and through 7;. ~~V. Burnett, County Judge and Agent Łor said Y.err County, did sell and convey to Turner Lae Hell, by its ~Yarranty Jeed of date l,;arch 24th, 1898, the folio ~~~, ~iig desar ib ad land, situated in Brown County, Texas, to-wit;- Sub-divieien No. 19, and parts oP Sub-division IJos. 17, 18 and 89 of Kerr County School Lana, being a part oP origin Survey No. 278, containing 253 acres of land, more or ].ens, said land being more fully dea- cr ibed in said deed which 1.^, of record in Vol, 50 page 320 of the Deed sec ords of Brown County, to vrh ioh reference is here made; and, Whereas, the considerationpald and agreed to be paid by said Turner Lee Bell was ~1141~i