'~ ~2E7,b0 cash and five notes of even date with said deed, for the sum oP X182,70 eaoh, exeou 28 ~. ;q tad by said Turner Lee Bell, payable to the order oY Y>err County, Sue, respectively, on the E4th day oY )vtarch, 1899, 1900, 1901,..1902 and 1903, bearing interest at the rata of 6~ per '. ~gnnum; and WH'~::ii95, Kerr County di 3, acting by Julius Beal, its County Judge, execute and deliver to said Turner Lee Bell a r8leaso bearing date February 2©th, 1903, releasing the Vendor's - lien to secure said not se, on thr herainb4foredaemai~ lan1, which release Se of record in Vol. 126, page 232 of the lleod Becordu of Brown County, Texa:;, to.whlch reference Ss here mode; and, W]it:REAB, the Treaeurer'a books of Kerr County, Texas, upon examination, chow that the pur chase money mentioned in th• deod above mentioned, was paid to Karr County as in said deed a said release shown; that the oonside rata on and price for said land at said time and Sate gi Sn saki deed, was a fair consideration and prio• Yor the aam®, and that there Ss some yuea- tion raised as to the regularity oP such eale;3 Therefore, it is ordered by this Court that said sale and said dead and maid release men- tioned Sn this order, be and in ull things ratified and held and made as valid and ae bindin, on this Kerr County in all things ae Sf acid sale and said deed and said release had been made by the Commiasioher'a Court of this County in the manner and form provided by law at time and date which they were attempted to be made ea in this order shown, 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 Ho.E41, Karr County. Rsglanation of 9ohcol Trustee. The regienation of walte7~'Ma Sohool Trustee for common Sohool Diatriot Ho. E1, was sooepted by the Court and G.S.xarQnia appointed to fill the unexpired term of said salter Griffin. 0-0 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Bo.B+~ Kerr County. lppointment of 8ohoal Trustee. It is ordered by the Court that $.R.Lerritt, be end he is hereby appointed Sohool 'cruetee for •ommon Sohool Dletriot Ho.4, of 8err County, Tezea, to fill the unezpire term of Jbh~ R.Davie, who ~iae moved out of the County. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o- Hor E43 8err County. Tranaier of Sohool Panda. It is ordered by the Court that the following soma be transferred ea here below eat out to balanoa the Colleotor's eaaouat ae the same stands charged against said oolleotor from the Taz Rolle o1 this county:for thH:year 1916, to-wlt;-- Tranefer the anm of =116.64'irom Common School Diatriat 8o.17yto Dletriot Sohool Ho.18; Transfer the sum of $6.b8i`Prom Common Sohool Diatriot 8o.l2~to Diatriat eohool Ho.18; Treaater the sum of~E3.b7'irom Common Sohool Dletriot Ho.1E~to Diatriat Sohool 80.4;- Tranafer the :awn o2~.70~'irom Sohool Diatriot Ho.E, to Comrooa Sohool Diatriot Ho.4; ~ Transfer the cum off14.78'irom Common hohool Diatriot Ho.H to Sohool Diatriat 8o.E1; Trsaeier the sum of ~1E.87'irom Common Sohool Diatriot Ho.E to Sohool Dletriot Ho.b; Transfer the sum of ,11.Ob~from Common Sohool Diatriot Ho.$ to Sohool Diatriot 80.3; Treaafer the awn of i8.97~from Common Sohool Diatriat 80.8 to Sohool Dletriot Ho.l6; TraaCtar the enm of X4.99-from Common aahool Diatriot Bo.E to •ahool Diatriat Ho. 8; Traaater the sum of X1.36 from $ommoa dohool Diatriot Bo.E to Sohool Diatriot Ho.14; -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-o-p-0-0-0- There being io further business to oome before the Court at this time, it is ordered that lams gtanda ad~oysne4 until part teahn,