THE BTATE OF TEKAS, ( ~' ~~~ ~C;6UNTY ON` KERR. 1 ''~g"„ BE IT REL1ELiSERiD, That on this the 19th day of December A.D,1917, there was begun and holden a 3pecisl Term oY the Commissioners' Court in and for Kerr - County, i'exas, at tTye Court House thereof, in the town oY Kerrville, Texas; OPYiaera present: Hon. Dee SYellace, County Judge, F.A.Karger, Commissloner precinct No.l, James Crotty;, Commissioner Precinct No.2, ,,.- Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commlaaioner Pzac inet No.3, Chae.Bodgers, Commissioner Precinct No.9, J,T.moore, SherlYf and Jno.R.Deavell, County Clerk. r The Court having been regularly o}+pesd the following prooeedings ware had,to-wit:-- No .246, Kerr County. Youoher Number 8b32 4 Judge and Commissioner of precinct Nuraey Company oY Winchester ':ann., and aonYirmed by the Court. 8outherin Nursery Co., drawn on Advalorem Fund by olerk at reguaet of County Yo.l, in favor of C,D.Qhonas, collector dor the Southern on December 12,1917, Yor 30 pecan trees, ordered paid PJO,E47,Kerr County. Appointment of ~ohool Trustees, Li.Stevens and Robert Hubble are hereby appointed dohoal Trustees Yor Common dahool llistriot No.10 oY Kerr County, Texas, to fill the unexpired term of the two trustee that have nosed opt of aa1d.Dletriot. ~-. No.248,Kerr County. Appointment oY 5ohnol '•sustea. George 3aur, is hereby arpointed to Yill the unexpired term oY Donis Neurnberger, as 5ohool Trnatee, is Common ~ahool District No.9, of Kerr County,Texea. No.249, Kerr County. Canvasing Raturna oY Prohibition Eleotion. On this day Dame on to be oanvasaed and tabulated the uaturna of e Special Yrohibition Eleotion Held in Kerr County „'axes, on the 8th dry oY Deoember A.D. 1917, and the Court having tabulated same ea shown in TRe Elevtion Retwrn Book oYsCerr County,Taxas, Book 1 on page 156, said returns ehowing there were $93 votes asst ?or Prohibitoin and 4b6 cast ~lgainat Yrohibition, and a majority of 63 votes Against prohlbiti No. E50. Kerr County Aocounts Allowed. Accounts allowed as shown in minutes nY acecunts of 6ommisaioaers' Court derr County, Texas, Book 3 pagea;'118 to 120 inoluaive to wh'ch reference is hereby ' made. Yo. Ebl, 8err County. Slewtioa Offioere Pay. It ie ordered by the Court that. all electiopa oYfloera be paid the Dome allowed by law for holding eleotioas, to-wit; the snm of ,app for saoh olerk sta., sad }1.00 for the prsaiding offioere that mate the returns oY said sYeotloa. Tha foregoing Mantes `sn,peg®::E84 hereoY was read and found oorreat in open Court, ware approved this the 19th dab of Doaember A. D. 1917. //~J Attest; ,J, a n~ u e, err~o~un y,j'exsa. County Clerk.