~~~ THE STATE OF TESAS, 1 1 COUNTY OF EERR. ) BH IT REMEMBERED, That on this the 12th day of January A.D. 1918, was begun and holden a lpeaial Tern of the OommisaionFrs' Caurt t¢ and Yor Kerr Bounty, at the Court House thereof, in the town~of Kerrville, Texas; Officers Present. Hon. Lee Wallaae, ---------------------------- Oounty Judge, F.A.Karger, ~---------------------------- Commissioner Precinct No.l James Crotty,--------------------------- Commissioner Preo~nat No.2, J.T,Moore, „heriff and 1.R ,Leaven, Clark, The Court having bean regularly opened the following business was had to-wit:-- Accounts allowed against Kerr County as shown in Winutea of 6coounts Book No.3 page 121 inoluding claims numbered from b730 to b737 inclasive. `here being no further business to oome before the Court, and the foregoing minuea on page 885 were read and approved in open Court, thin 12th day of January A. D. 1918. Atte~t~:J ~/ ~. )"(. /~, • ~ n Clerk, nun y u ge, err oun y,iexas. ~~''-~ ~ 0-0.0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TE2AB~ - COUATY OF EERRI BE IT REMEMBERED; that on this the 11th day of February, A. D. 1918, there was began and holden n Rsgnlar Term of the Oommissionsr'a Oonrt in cad for Eerr County, Texne, st the Court Hones thereof, i¢ the town of Eerrville, Tszas: OFFICERH YRESEHT: Hon. Lee Walleoe, -------------------- °------_____--_____County Judge; F. A. %arger, --------------------------------------------Commissioner Prea't Ao. 1. 7eme8 Crotty. ---------------^-----------^--^----^-----_^- w w w E. Hugo WiedsnYsld. -^^--^--^^--^'-^----_^_^--------------^^_ w w w 3. Chsa. A. Rodgare, °°°°°•---^^-^_-^^__^-___-----^---^ . w 4. J. T. Poore, Sheriff, and Jno. R. Leaven, Clerk, The Court having been regularly opened the following Dneineee was had, to-wit;----- S Ho. Lb3, 1 Ia Commiseioasr'e Court, 1 Eerr Connty.l Febrnery 11th, 1918. St is ordered by the Court that vouoher Ho. 7793 Saeued to 8. J. Lang, on Hovembe 18th, 1916, in the ems of =300.00 with 6yb iatereat per ananm from August lbth, 1916 be paid off ouL of Road ~ Bridge Apportionment for Commieaioner'e Preoinot Ho .. 8, Eerr County and that ~onoheT issue to said R. J. Lang for the anm of =67.00 to Dover interest on said ~on- oher, payable out of said R. A B. Snnd apportioned to Commissioner's Preoinot Ao. E; Ao. L61. In Com~iel-~ner'e Court Febnary 11th, 1918. Kerr Bounty, Texas. 1 WHEREAS, on the EOth d ay of May 1899, w, W. Burnett, County Judge of Ksrr County, Texas, duly nnthorised and empowered by order of the Commiaeioa•ra ConntyCOnrt to make Coaveyanoa for said County, did sell for Kerr County, to L. M. 7lnoent and A. L. Hell 760 scree bf land in Brown County, Tezae, out of anbdivisiane Aoe. 73 b 77, Esrr Con¢Ly School lanfl and retaining sa part payment for said fend ,,~, r ~ a 6 Veedos'e Lien Botew for the anm of $168.00 enoh cad WBSREAe, the payment of eaid notes ww taenmed by one W. D. YoCnri~ty by soma •rrangemsat between the eaid Bell end Vinoent, sad the same W. D. YoChriety end WHEREAS the eaid W.y. YoChriety `boa paid off an8 fn7~,y,datiefied eaid notes. It Se therefore ordered by the Oourt that Lee Wsllaoe, Connty Judge is sad for Kerr ~onaty, Tease, dnly mate, szaonte end deliver to the eaid W. D. YoChriety full release of eaid Lien oontained is eaid aotee igsiaet eaid lend. u ` ~ ~ 0-0-~-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-~-0- THE STATB OZ TE%AE ( In the Commieaionere ~onrt of xert 1 Bounty, Tszae, lsbsuary Term, COUBTY uF x$RR ( 1 9 1 g. Oa this the 11th day of yebrnary, •. D~ 1918, it being made to appear to the C,onrt that heretofore, to-wit, on January E0, 1682, •.YOyarland, Agent of Barr Connty far the sale of Sohool lands, ae enoh Agent szeouted and delivered to Johu C. Hlooksr, a bond for title to 120 nurse more or leas, is Brown County, Tszae, being all of Snb-Division # 16, Ksrr Connty School Lead in Brown Connty, Tszae, whioh bond for title has been exhibited to the Court, which appears to bs of reooxd in Brown County, Tease, Volume 39, page bl, of the dead reoorde of eaid L`onnty; that the ooneldsretion of eaid bond for title wsa the •zeontion by John C_ Blooker of one note of date January ~B, 1882, for the sum of Seven Hundred and Twenty ($720.00) Dollars, payable to Brown County, Texas, ten yearn niter date, with ten per Dent. interest, payable annaally ae it saaruse; that thereafter, to+wit, oa p'ebrnary 27, 1893, Joan C_ Blooker and wife, M. H. Blooker, oonvpirod s aid land to R. a. H. Hallam, by quit claim deed, whioh deed appears to be of reo~d Sn vol. 40, page 138 in brown County Dee1 Reoarde; test thereafter, to-wit, on Yaroh E1, 1898, A. YoBSrland, agent of Kerr Connty for ~.he sale of Sohool Lands, se enoh Agent, e:eonted and del- ivered to R. s. R. Ha11nm, a warraLty deed to 160 aurae, ma a or Lea, oomprieiag all of Su}-Division # 16, Kerr Connty Sohool ]:and e, whioh appears of xweord in Vol. 39, page 71 of Brown Connty Dsed Rsoords; that in eaid deed 1t ie rsoited that $err Connty had noeived the agreed oonsideratioa for eaid oonvsyaao• and for the bond for title, ezeanted to Joha C. Blooker; that an e:aminatioa of the reoorda is the Treaanrer'e offioe of eaid Ksrr County, Tease, discloses the feat that the roll pay- ment of the note ezeauted by John C. Blooker, ae aforesaid, and the fail pries ag- resd to b• paid by J.C_~ Hlooksr and R. A. R. Kellum, with eoorued interest thereon, wsa me~de to Karr ~ouaty and that Kerr County has used eaid money sad zeoeivad the roll benefit of the money paid in satiafsotioa of eaid note and is ooneidaration of eaid dOnveysnos and interest thereon; and that the prios paid r epreasnted the fair value of the land at that time. BOW T88H&FORE It is hereby ordered and deoresd by Lhe Commissioners Court of Kan County. Tezge, that eaid dead eo ozeonted by A. Moyasland to R. A. R. B'allnm be and the same Se in all reepeote ratified, approved and ooaflxmed by eaid Kerr Connty, Tszae, ae the binding eat sad deed of eaid Kerr County, noting Dy and through its pommieeleWSa Court, 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0