b Yendor'e Lien Rotew for the anm of $168.00 enoh and WRER&-D, the payment of said notes was assumed by one W. D. YaChrl~ty by soma •rnngemsnt between the said Bell and Yinaent, and the same W. D. YoChriaty end W86RE-S the said W.D. MoChriety 'has paid oi4 sad fuljly alptiafied said notes. It 1e therefore ordered by the Court that Lae Wallace, Connty Judge in end for Kerr Connty, Tszae, duly make, ezsante and deliver to the asid W. D. YoChriaty full relssss of e~id Lien contained 1a said ao be egslnat said lend, THE ST1TR OF TKF-E ~ In the Commleaionere Court of Kerr COURTY OF XERR ~ 8onnty, ie9ae,8 bruary Term, Oa this the 11th day of February, -. D, 1918, it being made to appear to the Gonrt that heretofore, to-wit, on January 20, 1882, -.NaParlsnd, -geat of Kerr Connty for the rile of Sohool laude, ae enoh ,lgeat s:sonted and dellvend to John C. Blooker, a bond for title to 120 sores more or lase, Sa Hrowa County, Tsaaa, being all of Snb-Division # 16, Kerr Cvanty Sohool Laad in Brown Connty, Tezas, whioh bond for title hsa been exhibited to the Court, which appesre to be of reaoxd in Bross County, Tsxaa, 4o]nme 39, page bl, of the deed reoorde of said Connty; that th1 oonaideration of Bald bond for title wsa the ezeontion by John Cam' Hlooker of one note of date January ~8, 1882, for the sum of Saves Hundrefl and Twsaty 1$7EO.00) Dollars, payable to Hrowa County, Texan, ten years after date, with ten par Dent, iatereet, payable mnually se !t noaruea; that thereafter, to~wit, on February 27, 1893, Joys Cy Blooker and wife, M. H. Hlooker, aoavsywd e d d land to R. a. x. Hallam, by quit olaim deed, which deed appears to bo of record in vol. 40, page 133 in ~srown County Deed Reoorde; that thereafter, to-wit, on 1;aroh E1, 1883, A. 16oBarland, -gant of Kerr Connty for the sa]a oY Sohool Lands, ae enoh -gent, ezsauted and dsl- ivared to R. A. R. Hallam, a warrab,ty deed to 160 soma, more or Lea, oomprieing all of Say-Division # 16, Kerr County Sohool Lands, ahich appears of awaord in Yol. 38, page 71 of Hrowa County Dsed Raoorda; that in said deed it is reoitsd that uerr County had xwoeivsd the agreed coneidsratios for said oonveyaao• and for the bond for title, ezecnted to Joha C. Blooker; that ab ezamiaatlon of the reaorQa in the Treasurer's ofiioe of said Ksrr County, Tease, diwclotee the fast that the roll pay- meat of the note a:eouted by Joha C. Blooker, ae aforesaid, sad the roll price sg- reed to be paid by J.Q~ Blooker and R. A. R. Hallam, with aaorued iatereet thereon, was made to Ksrr county sad that Karr County hen used said money sad roooivod the fall benefit of the money paid in sstlafaotion of aslfl note and ih ooneideratioa of said bynveyanos sad interest thereon; and that the prios paid represented the fair value of the land at that time. HOW TH&BBFORE It Sa hereby ordered and deoreed by the Commieeionera Court of Ksrr County, 4ezpe, that Bald deWQ eo a:eoute8 by -, i!o!'asisnd to R. 1. R. Hallam be and the same Sa Sa all reepeota ratified, spprovod and oonfitmed by said %err Bounty, Texas, ae the binding sot and dasd of asid Kerr County, aoting by and through its Bommiaelonrsa Court. o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o