: {t~ 73 ~~ ~ ,,; ~,TS OF TEE18 ~ 8TY OF KS@R I ~"H .., ~:ii In the Commie el ones court, February Term, A. D. 1818. Oa;t~th},.tha }1„ day of February, A. D . 1818, it being made to appear to the Court that heretofore, to-wit..Septembpr 7, 1882, A. YeFerland, agent of Ysrr County for the axle qt Sgjl'tiol leads, es egph agent, ezeonted am8 dellvsred to Q. 1. Pinson a Wesranty Deed. opnveyisg to aim 800 sores, more or leas, is Brows County, Tezae, more tn11y dsegribsd ae follows: Snbdiviaioa 80.E of Kerr County Sohool Londe, parts of the original 3nrveya 8os. 276 and 277, situated Sa Brows County, Texas, BEGI88I8G at the S. E. oorner of Survey 80, 1, a atone monad iron which a Poet Oak 15 1n. die. bra. s. 10 W. 31 vra. soother 13 1a. dis. bears w. 3 South 61 vra. THEBCS Waet 71Eb versa to e stone mound from wh. a Poet Oak 10 in. dis. bra. 9. E6 E. 6.1/8 vra. Another 10 in. dia. bra. S. 67-1/8 E' 18,b. vra. THEBCE South 9b0 verse to a atone mound from wh. 9 Poat Oak 7 in. dis. bra. 8. E3 W. 19 vra. ado 6 in. din. bra, S bl S. 4-1/4 vra: T8E8CE Eaet 1187.b vra. to a atone mounQ ea ~81m 8 is. die. bears S' 60 W. ib-1/E vra. another 13 in. d1 e. Dra. 9. EO-1/2 W. 16 vra: THSXCS Borth 960 verse to a atone mound poet Oak 10 in. die. n. 41 W. 8$ vra. a 3 psongsfl P. 0. 9. 44 S. 18-1/E vrs; T88HC8 47b varea to plane of beginning: which Dsed has bees eahib3ted to the Court, whioh appears to be of raoaad in Brows County, Tease, in gal. S7, page 178. oY the Deed Heoorde of said County: that Q, A. Pinson paid X1000,00 in oseh to Kerr ~onaty for said Sane, ~nd,thst said psymeat represented the tsir value of the land at that time; Ohat as e:pmimatioa of the rso- orde is the Tresenrer'0 otfias of Ysrr Gonaty dieolosea the toot that Q. A. Pigeon paid =1000.00 for said land, u rsaited is said Deed, asd that Karr County has rs- oeived add used the Sall benefit of said money: 80W, THEREFOBE, it 1s lureby ordered •nd Aegrpsd by the Co~iseionere of Ysrr County, Tezan, sitting in regular seeelon, that said deed ao szeoutsd sad dplivsrdd by A. Yoyarlsad, to Q. A. Yinson be, and the sear Se hereby, 1n all ree- psote, ratified, approved anfl ooafirmed by Barr County ae the Diadiag aqt and deed of said Kerr County, noting by and tarough 1ta Commieaionsre Court, ~~~~~ TH8 STATS OF TEYAS '-r. !`,. ~H ~;, i3y. i_. COUBTY Or SERB o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o i In the Commiaaionsre Court of Ksrr i County, Tease, February Tern I 1 91 8. On this the }l, day of February, A. D. 1918., it being ^ade to appear to the court that heretofore, to-wit, as Yaroh 24, 1898, W. W. Barnett, County Judge and Agent of %srr County, ea snob County Jndgs and ~geat ezeonted and delivered to W. H. Clark a warranty fleed to all that oertain trot or parosl of land, ettnated:,ia the county of Brown, State of Tease, described as foilowe, to -wit: 66 eoree of land b~iag off the feat sad 9. of eub Divieioaa 8os. 17 and 18 Kerr County Sohogl land: B8GI8NI9q at a etoM md. the B. L~. oor, 80. 16 sad 8. W. Cor. of 80. 19.; Tbeaoe Eaet~wtth 8ort~1 llpe 80. 17. 883 vra. to pt, on ~~, A, boundary line oS Si. 1(al0ap enrvey ire. wh. s F, .~f~ ~,b"';8. X60}W. Il vrs, s do 4• ,, ~qo