~Bhny~~r to of Tazea, ) In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County,Texae. Couny~y of Kerr. ) 8abruary Term, A.D. 191$. :; l:bt On thle 12th day of February A.D. 1918, came on to be oonaidered the duplleatae of the Annual report of the Treasurer or Deposltory of the School Funds of 8err +,". y,". Conz~}y, showing rocelpts and dteburaementa for the year beginning septsmber 1st, 191b, and ':gip onding August $lst,~1918, and after comparing said report as regnirad by law, by checking the items of said report with the Original Vouchers presented to the Court by the Treasurer or Deposltory o4 School Funds of 8err County, and Minding same correct ie hereby in all ~~`~: things approved, and-adopted and the Clerk of this Court ordered to file same. Tho Clerk le further instructed to .promptly oartlfy thr'sction of this Coart on saki report to the ,,r`. $tats Aspartmont oT Education. --o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o- -- No.E63, Tha State of Tezaa, ) In Commissioners' Court, %arr County, Tezaa. ) ,. County of %arr. 1 February Tarm, A.D. 1918. On this day came on to be oonaldered the pa991ng of accounts. and alai ma against Kerr County, asd::;6he Court having considered all claims and or dared same paid as shown by minutes of accounts allowed in Book No.3 on page 123 at.siq.; which !s made a part of thas• minutes to which refmrence is bore made. --o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--- Po. E66, The State of 3ezas, ) In Commissioners' Court,, %orr County,Texas. County of Kerr. ) Fabrnary 1'srm „ A,D. 191$. February 12,1918. ` x It Se orderod by the Court that the eusg of ~1~8.96 be and the same ~, - is hereby ordered transferred 1Fom the $tata Highway Fund to 1~oa~.Di®trict Fund No.2 of Kerr County, Taxae. - o- o-~- o- a o- o- o- o- o- o- o- - No.E66, 'Fhe Stet's of Tezaa, ) In Coalmiseloners' Court, Kerr County,Taxsa. County of Ksrr. ) February lEth,1918. February 'Germ, 1918. It is ordered by the Court that the cram of $91.1$ bs and the same la hereby ordered transferred from the Court Houaa f?apair farad to the Court House and dull fund. -o-o-ao-o-n-o-r~-o-o-o-o-a ylo.E67 Sphe Stets of Texas, ) In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County,Tezae. 1 C,onnty of Kerr. ) Fabrnary I2,1918. 3ogular >Rabruary Term,A.u.1918. IL is orderod by tho Court that X11 intor olt due on the outstand- ing Honda of Kerr County, be paid on April 10tk,1918, and that two Court Houso and da 11 Eon3a be paid off and taken up on that date,, And the Treasurer !e SA,9trueted to pay all lntereut on Bonds and to take up two of said Court House Bpd Jail Boade~ - o- o- o- A- o- o- o- o- ce o- o- o- p- 8o.E63. }'ha~$tate of Tezaa,) In Commissioners' Court, $arr Connty,Tezaa. C'CSd~tt~ of Karr. ) lgagnlar February Term, b'ebruaY'y 12,1918. „, ., ~ r 1t !s orderod by the Oourt that 17Q00.00 Doliara'of the Hoad and Bridge .}rind 5e and the~sa~Ae is hereby aPPortlon to the following aommloatanars' Precincts as fol- owapp o-Wit•-- the $um of,1tl3q.80 to Commiaaionere' Preo121et.No.1;'~he-aum~of 11330.00 to oadplplonePs' Precinct No.2, ha aam of 191,0 QO to Commlaalonere' FFeoinet Do 3, and the `~Wo~ 2C3Q C11 t0 ggmmis~al4ne' >?rpc iapctl~e~e..~ald amounts apport~onad to each precinct m ~p 24 b