~9~ Mhe State of 1'exsa,) In Commlasionore' Court, Kerr County, Texas. Qounty o2 Aerr. ) 9sgular February Term, February 12th, 1918. The Quarterly reports of J.S.I.savell, County Clar;c, J.T.MOOre, Sheriff and F..H.Turner, J. of P. Precinct Ao.l, were examined and foun3 correct, were approved. fto.27o. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- - The 9t•it• of Texas, 1 In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County,Texaa. County of Kerr. ) itegular Term, February 13th, 1918. The sum of X114.88 is hereby ordered trena ierred from th• Aoad and Brldg• fund apportioned to Commissioners' Precinct Po.3 to the Road District Four.d Ho.3. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Bo.271. In Commissioners' Court, Rerr County, 'Texas. The State of Texas, ) Regular February 'form, February 13th, 1918, County of Kerr. ) The eum of 89,47 is hereby or dere3 transferred it om 3oand and Bildge Fund Epportioned to Commlasloners' Yreeinct fto.l to the ?load Dlstrtet Fund No.l, -o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o- - fto.272. The State of Texr,a, ) In CommissloneY's' Court, Rerr Count;J,Texas. County of Kerr. ) degular February Tarm, February 13th, 1918. Jndgea of Election were appointed ea required by law, as will b• shown by reference to the Election Mlnutea Book No.l on pages 43 to 46 incluslves, to which reference is hereby made. -o-o-o-ao-~-o-o-o-o-o-o- fto.273. The State of '14xae. ) In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, Texas. County of Kerr. 1 3egular debruary Term, February 13th, 1918. It Sa ordered b:J the Court that the following names persons, be and they are each flllowed the eum of 54000 fnr the next Three Months,that is for A'ebruary,March and 9pr11, to-wit; Herbert Brent, Jacob, Jess• and Mrs. Jacob :teinhardt, Mrs. John Story, Mrs. D. 8s1na,- ~~rs. Mauerer,- i:.rs. L+laie Anderson,- Eirs. & Mlss Gilman,- era. ~;.M.ftorton, and John Clements. Sold soma to be paid as heretofore been the order of this Court, -o-~~-o-o-o-o-ao-n_o-o- Bo.274, The 9t ate of Texas, ) In Commisaiore rs' Court, Kerr County,Texas. County of Kerr. ) ;regular February Term, February 13th, 1918. Un this day ear,:s on to be considered the matters of reimbursing 8111!• 3esh, for County Taxse paid on 3b scree of land situated in Aarr County, Texas, which has been asaesaed to sa13 3eah, for $660.00 for past two years, which amou:,t is excessive Sn proportion to whht other lands of the same class an3 character has been assessed azid Ls nov: being assessed over the connty~ an3 the Court being satSsf led that same Is In error, It Se therefore ordered that the sum oP 3b.30 be refunded to Bald Wm.Seeh, as taxes paid In exeeea on a~ld property, and the •lark is instructed to draw voucher on Advalorem Fund of Kerr County In favor of sold Willis Heeh for said amount. -o-a oLo-o-o-o- o- o-o- o- o- o- o-