a9~ 'Fhe State of T'exse,) In Commisaionors' Court, Berr County,Texae. bounty OS Kerr. ) 9egular February Term, February 12th, 1918. The Quarterly reports of J.S,Leavell, County Cleric, J.T.MOOre, Sheriff and 3.H.Turner, J. of P. Precinct 90.1, were examined and foun3 correct, were approved. -o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o- - 9o.E70. Fhe 9t t• of Texee, ) In Commisaioners' Court, Berr Caunty,lYxsa. County of Kerr. ) riegular Term, February 15th, 1918. The saw of }114.88 is hereby ordered tr ens tarred from th• Hoad and Bridg• Fund apportioned to Commisatoners' Precinct 90.3 to the Hoad District Fourd 90.3. -o- o-o- o- o- o-o- o- o-o-o- 90.271. In Commissloners' Court, Kerr County, 'Texas. The State of Texee, ) Regular February Torm, February 13th, 1918. County of Kerr. ) The cum of $89.47 is hereby ordered transferred from 3oand and Bildgs Fund Epportioned to Commlealoners' Precinct 90.1 to the Load Dietrlet Fund 90.1. -o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-,- 90.272, The State of Tsxaa, ) In CommissloneY's' Court, Rarr Count;J,Texae. County oY Kerr. ) degular Fsbruary Term, February 13th, 1918. Jndgfa of Election were appointed ss required by law, as will b• shown by reference to the Eleetton Minutae Book fto.l on pagee 43 to 46 incluslves, to which reference is hereby made. -o-o-o-o-o-~-o-o-o-n-o-a 9o.E73. The State of Tsxaa, ) Sn Commisal oners' Court, Kerr County, Texas. County oY Karr. ) 2egular February Torm, February 13th, 1918. It !s ozdere3 by the Court that the following names persons, be and they are each allowed the sum of S4'J00 for the next Three Montha,thwt le for February,March and April, to-wit; Herbert Brant, Jacob, Jess• and Mrs. Jacob 'ieinhardt, Mra. John Story, Mrs. D. Seine,- lira. Yauerer,- iLrs. Klsie Anderson,- Airs. & Mlsa Gilman,- Mra. K.M.9orton, 'and John Clements. Said soma to be paid as heretofore bean the order of this Court. -o-~-o-o-o-o-o-o-n_o-o- 90.274. Th• Stat• of Texas, ) In Commlasioners' Court, Kerr County,Texas. 1 County of Kerr. ) regular Fsbruary Term, February 13th, 1918. On this day cans on to be oonatdered the matters of reimbursing L71111• 'lash, for County Taxsa paid on 3b acres of land situated in Kerr County, Texas, which has been asesaeed to said 3eeh, for $660.00 for past two years, whLCh amount Sa excessive In proportion to what othor lands of the same class an3 character has been assessed acrd Ss nov being assessed over the cou:~ty, and the Court beLnR satisfied that same is to error, It Se therefore ordered that the sum of $6.30 be refunded to said Wm.Reeh, as taxes paid in excess on eald property, and the •lerk is instructed to draw voucher on Advalorem Fund of Kerr County in favor of said Willis rieeh for said amount. -o-ao=o-o-o-o-o- o-o- o-o-o-o-