~ 97 Mhe State of rex96,) In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County,Tezsa. G'ouaty of Kerr. ) 9egular February Tarm, February 12th, 1918. The Quarterly reports of J.S.Dsavell, County Clerk, J.T.leoore, 9herlff and ~.H.2urner, J. of P. Precinct Ro.l, mere examined and Pound correct, were approved. Ro.E70. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- - 4he 9t ate of Texas, ) In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County,Texsa. County of Rerr. ) degular Term, February loth, 1918. The sum o4 3114.88 is hereby ordered transferred from the goad and Hrldg• Fund apportioned to Commtsaloners' Preclnet Ro.3 to the Aoad Dletrict Fourd Ro.3. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Ro.271. The State of Texea, ) County of Kerr. ) In Commissioners' Court, Rerr County, 'T'exas. tiegular February 'term, February 1.3th, 1918. The eum of $89.47 is hereby ordere3 transferred Prom 3oand and Bildge Fund Epportloned to Commisaloners' rreclnct Ro.l to the Load Dlstrlet Fund No.l, -o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o-o- ,- No.272. fihe State of Texea, ) In CommtasloneYS' Court, Rerr County, Texas. County of Kerr. ) uegular February Term, February 13th, 1918. Jndg~s of Election were appointed ea roquired by law, as will be shown by reference to the Election 311nutes Book No.l on pages 43 to 46 incluslves, to which reference !s hereby made. - o- o- o- o- o- ~- o- o- o- n-o- o- Ro.273. The State of Texas, ) In Comm Saeioners' Court, Kerr County,Texea. ~'~ County of Kerr. ) 3egular February Term, February 13th, 1918. It is ordered by the Court that the following names persona, be and. they are each allowed the sum of 34700 for the next Three ;donths,thst to for February,ltarch and April, to-wlt; Herbert Brent, Jacob, Jesse and Mrs. Jacob :telnhardt, Mra. John Story, Mrs. D. 3ai ns,p wrs. Yanor er,- i.:r s. Blsle Anderson,- ltr s. & Misa Gllman,- xre. E.M.Rorton, i and John Clements. Sold soma to be paid as heretofore beta the order of this Court. -o-~-o-o-o-o-o-o-n_o-o- Ro.274. The State of Texas, ) In Commlasiore rs' Court, Kerr County,Texas. ) County of Rerr. ) .zegular February Tsrm, February 13th, 1918. On this day caps on to be considered the matters of reimbursing Willie geeh, for County Tease paid on 3b acres of land situated in %err County, Texea, which hoe been assessed to sa13 Zeah, for $660.00 for past two years, which amount la excessive In proportion to whYt other lands of the same class ant character has been assessed ar,d is now being assessed over the county, and the Court being satisfied that same Is Ln error, It is therefore ordered that the sum of 3b.30 be refunded to said Wm.4eeh, as taxes paid in excess on x113 property, and the clerk is instructed to draw voucher on Advalorem Fund of Rerr County in favor of sold Willis Heeh for said amount. -o-o-oLa-o-o-o-o- o- o- o- o- o- o-