~9~ The State of Texas,) In Commisaloners' Court, Kerr County, Texas. Oounty of Rerr. ) Regular February Tarm, February 12th, 1918. The Quarterly reports of J.R.Lsavell, County Clerk, J.T.MOOre, Sheriff and :%.A.Turner, J. of P. Precinct fto.l, were examined and found correct, were approved. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- - No.270. '!he 9U,te oY Texee, ) In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County,Texas. County of Kerr. 1 Regular Term, February l.ith, 1918. The Door of f114.B8 is hereby ordered transferred from the 3oad and Bridge Fund apportioned to Commissioners' Yrecinet fto.3 to the Aoad District Fourd fto.3. - o- 0- 0- 0- 0- o- 0- 0- 0-0- 0- No.271. In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, •rexas. The State of Texas, ) Regular February 'farm, February 13th, 1918. County of Kerr. ) The sum of 89.47 is hereby ordere3 transferred from Zoand and Bifdgs Fund Epportioned to Commissioners' Yrecinet fto.l to the road Dlstr tet Fiord P7o.1. -o-o-o- o- o-o- o- o-o-o- o- ,•- No.272. The State of Texaa, ) In CommlasionerS' Court, Kerr County,Texas. County of Kerr. ) :}egular February Term, February 13th, 1918. dndg~e of Election were appointed as required by law,-as wLll be shown by reference to the Election Ltlnutea Book fto.l on pages 43 to 46 inclusives, to which reference is hereby made. -o-o-o-o-o-~-o-o-o-o-o-o- fto.E73. The State of Texas., ) Ir, Commisaloners' Court, Kerr County, Texas. County of Kerr. ) :iegular February Term, February 13th, 1918. It Sa ordered by the Eourt that the following names persona, be and they are each allowed the cum of X4900 Por the nett Three ;donths,tbnt Se Por February,klareh and April, to-wit; Herbert Brent, Jacob, Jesse and Mrs. Jacob f4elnhardt, Mrs. John Story, Mrs. D. Sales,- Mrs. ganersr,- tLrs. L~leie Anderson,- airs. & Misa Gilman,- xrs. f;,M.ftorton, 'and John Clements. Said soma to be paid as heretofore bean the or 3er of this Court. -o-~-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- fto.274. The State of Tezea, ) In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County,Tszas. County of Kerr. ) regular February Term, Fsbruary 13th, 1918. On this day cams on to be considered the matters of reimbursing WSllie Reeh, for County Tnaae paid on 3b scree of land situated in Kerr County, Texas, which has been assessed to said Resh, Por $660.00 for past two years, which amour^.t la excessive !n proportl on to whet other lan de of the Dame class and character has been assessed ar.d is now being assessed over the county, and the Court being satisfied that same is in error, It is therefore ordered that the sum of jb.30 be refunded to said Wm.Rseh, as taxes paid In excess on •-Sd property, and the clerk is instructed to draw voucher on Advalorem Fund oP Kerr • I County Ln favor of said Willis Aeeh for said amount. -o-o-oAo-o-o-o- a o-o- o-o- o- o-