a„ .. ~,~~ '~~~~ In Commiasionera' Court, Ksrr County,Texaa. 2 ~,r The 9tath ~f Tezaa, ) r "~' ) Regular February 'term, February 13th, 1918. ' "'~•z Coanty of Kerr. ) ' Bs it _.emembered, that on this the 13th day of lYhrnary A.D. 1918, - at a regular term of this Court, came on to be considered the question of re-establishing the boundary lines of Commissioners' precinct No.4 of Kerr County,Texae, and after due con- ~` slderat[on of acme, the Court ordora and deareea that said precinct be end the rime la re- established with the following metes and boun:ls, to-wit;-- ' BEGINNING at a point in Karr and Gillespie County line, being the N.W, corner of Precinct No.l; Thence in 4 S.W. direction with the Wsat line of said precinct No.l, se described In field notes of same in oommtsaioners minutes Book "G" page 19, to S.W.Cornor of same in Kerr and Bandera County line; Thence Weat with said County line to whets aei3 old Ksrr County line lnterpota with the line of Seal bounty, 9hie point being the S.W, 4 corner of Kerr County. Thsnee Horth to a point is the North line of Survey No.bl Certif. No.344 Hlock D, B.E. And W.T.'iy.Co., 475 vre w. of its N.W.Corner; Thence West with the North boundary line of Rsal County to whets the seat line of Edwards County intsructa with cams, Tkenes trorth with E. line of Edwards County and the Wset line of Eerr County to the N.W. corner of %err County in the South line of Kimble County. Thanes Eaet with line of Karr and KSlble Counties to the N.E. corner of %err County. Thanes South with asst line of 6111esple Cou;.ty to its 3.W. Corner. Thence fast with line oP Sett and Gllleapie Counties to the place of beginning. - o- o-o-o- o- o- o-o-o- o-o- o- o- o^-o-o- o- o- n- Po. 275 Ths Stets of Tszea, ) In Commissioners' Court, Kerr Count y,Texaa. 1 County of Kerr. I Begular February Term, February l2th,1918. It is ordered by the Court that tho..Cognty~Treasurer take ap and pay ofY Vouehar No.7393 issued by this Court o~1 February 16th, 1916 in favor oY the Alamo Construction Company, with by6 Interest thereon from !ta data. And the Clerk 'of this Court f is ordered to draw voucher for the sum of X25.98 to cover intsreat for one year on said Voucher. Said '/ouchsr to bs paid out of i;oad and Bride Fund apportioned to Commisalonera' precinct No. 1 of said Ksrr County. -o-o-o- o--o-o- o- o- o-o- o- o- Ths foregoing minutes from page 885to page E98 la¢lueiv• tsrr.rmad in .op en Court~foun ' correct were approved. And there being no further business to come before the Court, 1t a ,. ordered that the same now stands ad~oured until next term. Attest;-- ' 9. ~,.~+.a.~anre.2Q °.e'.c". oun y '1TrTc. oun y-7a3gT,~rr Co. , •r¢zas. ------o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-•---- TriE s'raT~~ of Texas, ) ) COUNTY OF Kh:d4, i B IT ^,ELd"iW.B~".r:D, That on this the 23rd day of ebruary A.D. 1918, ' I there was begun and holden a Special 't'erm of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, at the Court house thereof in the town of Kerrville, 'Texas; OFFICc:~S P:.~SENT: Hon. bee S7allace, County Judge, James Crotty, Comm lsaloner Precinct No.2, Chas, Rodgers, Commiasloner Precinct No.4, ~. Mai, : ~~.~t¢f1r#, ~l~sxiff+an~ 3.RV`~7?i. Cpana4~, C1.srk,