30) THE STATE OF TEYAS, COUNTY OF KE3R.) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 2nd dqv of April, A.D.1918, there waa begun and holden a Special Term of the Commissioner's Court in and for Kerr County, Tessa, at the Court House thereof, Sn the town of Kerrville, Teaaa: OFFICE33 PRESENT: Hon. Yee Wallace, -------------------------------------County Judge. F. A. Kargar, -----------------------------------------Commissioner Precinct No. 1. James Crotty, -----------------------------------------Commissioner Precinct No. 2. Hugo Wledenfeld, --------------------------------------Commissioner Preclnet fto. 3. Chas. A• Rodgere, -------------------------------------Commissioner Precinct No. 4. J. T. Moore Sheriff and John 5. Yeavell Clerk. The Court having been regularly opened the fallowing business was had, to-wit:--- lo. 279, Accounts el lowed against Kerr County ea shown In Minutes of Accounts, Book 3, page 129, including clalme numbered from 5843 to 5849, lnclaelve. No. 280. In Commissioner's ) Apr 11 2nd, 1918. ) Court, Kerr County, Texas. ) Court met for the purpose of discussing the Drouth Relief Act with Judge Ed. R. Cone.and Judge 3pielhagen as commanded by Governor Hobby of the State of Tease. And after having heard the same discussed and eaplslned by Bald Judges Cone and 3pielhagen, ordered a called session for Apr11 8th, 1918 at 2 O'clock P. M. and notice twsb~ given by publication for all farmers needing rellai to appear at said special asaeloa for the purpose of filing their applications for amount of seed and feed desired, ae provided by sold Drouth Relief Act. There being no further business to come before the court, court adjourned. Tha foregoing minutes from Page 301 to center of page 301 were read in open court found correct and~oarep hereby approved. Attest; 4,,, _ ,,,, y( . ,t, n ~nClerk. Coun y u ge, err can y, Texas. o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o THE STATE OF TEBAS,~ COUN'PY OF KEIiR.l BE IT REMID[BERED, Lhat on this the 8th day of April, A.D.1918, there was begun and holden a Spsclal Term of the Commissioner's Court' in and for Kerr County, Taxsa, at the Court Honae thereof, !n the town of 8errollle, Tezse; OFFICERS PRESENT: Hon. Yee Wallaca, -------------------------------------County Judge F. A• Barger, -------------------------------- °---°--Commleei oner Preclnet No. 1. James Crotty, -------°--------------------------------Cammlaefoner Preclnet~No. 2. Hugo Wiedenfeld, --------------------------------------COmmleeionsr Preclnot No. 3. Chas. A. xodgera, ---------° ---°---° -------°-------Commissioner Preclnet No. 4. J. T. Moore, Sheriff, and John H. Yeavell, Clerk. The Court having been regularly opened the following business wee had, to-wit;--- No. 281. Accounts allowed against Kerr County ae shown in Minutes o1 Accounts, Book 3, page 130, lneluding clalme numbered from 5850 to 5863 inclusive. No. 282, 1n Commissioner's ~ April Bt h, 1918. Court, Ksrr County, Tease. 1 It Se or dared by the Court that ~b00.00 out oP the sinking • fund for iioad Dletrlot No. P of Karr County be and la hereby ordered invested in II. S. y„ ' Lf`Pt~!~"y! the )Srd de'eltir., Thnt X500,00 of the slnkirtg innd of Road Dlstrlet fib. ~