THE STATE OF TEZAS.) COUBTY OF KERB. ) ~~~ BE .1T ?iEl[I$[B~ED, That on this the 29th day of April A.D. 1918, there was begun and holdea a Special Term of the Commleaionere' Goart in and far Kerr Connty,~exsa -E - at the eonrt 8ouso thereof Sn the town of Kerrville, 'Fazes: OF~'ICN";S PRESENT: Hpn~' Lee Wallsoe, County Jndge. F.A.Karger, Commissioner preolnet Bo.l Jae. Crotty, Commleeloner preolnet Bo.E, ~ ,. ' Hugo Wledonfeld, uommiaeloner Preolnot Bo.B. ~ J.T.lloore, Sherlif and J.R•Leavall, county G}ark. The bonrt having been regularly opened, the follpwing proceedings ware had, to-wit:. . Bo.888. Aooount of Jsmee Crotty. Accoant of James Crotty, for eupervleing ~oede !n Preolnct Bo. 2, for j9.00 ordered pal d. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-n---- In Commissioners' Court, ) Bo. 290, Spealsl 1pr11 Term.1918. Kerr County, Tazas. 1 April 29th,1918. It is ordered by the court that Two Thousand {~2000.00)DOllare, ~~ of the Kerr County yermanont 9ahool rend now on hand bs and the aema Ls hereby laveeted In II.9.Llberty Bonds of the THIRD iseae, bearing 4~ interest and Lea Wallace, Caunty Jndge, - of Kerr County, la hereby suthorized to apply for said $onde in the name of Korr County Permanent Sohool Fund and to reoeive said Bonde~and Aepeelt game with the Kerr County Depository when same are received from the Treasury Departulent. -----0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-D-0-0-,0-0---- ' In Cammlaalonera' Court, ) Hpeaial 8pr11 'reYm, 1918. Bo.891. xprtl 89th, 1A18. ' Kerr County, Texas. 1 i It is ordered by the vourt that the ens o~ Two Hundred end ylity Doll are ba paid to Bruno 9ohott, ae bal~nae-due him on Contrapt for building Bridge eoroes Blchole Hollow, on the Kerrville and Ingram Hoad,~ out of the rpportloa of the Hoad Sande ~ " Apportioned to Commleelonare Precinct Ho.4 of Yerr County,Tezaa. -o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o- o. o-o-o- o- o- o- o. o- o-o-- • In Commlasionera' Court,) Spenial Apr1l,Yerm,1918. Ho.292. April 28,1918. Kerr County, Texea. ) The committee appainted heretofore to negotiate with Adolf. Bartel and Chsa. Bartel for said lands lying along and ad~eoent to said roads for the pur- ahaee of a strip of land 10 feet wide lying on the north aide of the Guadalupe Hoad~Beglnning at the South Weet corner of Chae. Bar tai's tract of land and running in an easterly dtrection with Bald road 806 versa; Also soother strip of land along the Hertel road being 10 feet wide at thapolnt of boglnnlag and narrowing to a point at deetlnatloP 372 terse. •rhe point of beginning being the point where Bald 10 teeL on tqe Guadalupe road eadad. :;,;; . °" Said land to be paid for on tqa basis of f~00.00 per sore and the ,'• ameatd~being Lnoluded !n both atripa of land amounting to the price of Shirty-One end 60/100 y ",: ~= olleae . °~~ There belog no farther busineae to come before the court at thla time, and the ', foregoing minutes were rsadaa open Court and foaad aorret are approved, and Court adjourned untillne:t term. ..p Attest •~~>~CGanty ulprk. S - J n e.