3os !a SlLTE OF TlitB, ~ COIIHTY OF YB88. ) HE IT BEICL03EHED, That on thin the f8th day of Yay, 1,D. 1818, there was begun and holdea a BegnL:r Term of the Commiesionere' Court is and Yor 8err Connty,Tezea, at the Oonrt Honee thereof is the town of Serrville, Tezae: OFFICERS PR6S8HT: Boa. I,ss wallsos, F.~.Yargsr, Jemse Crotty, Hugo *ledsnield, County Judge, Oo~iaeioner Preoinot Ho.l Commissioner Preoinot Ho.£, Commissioner Preoinot Ho.B, C.4.Hodgera, •----------------------- Commissioner Preoinot Ho.4, J.R.Lsavell, County Clerk and J.T.Yoore, 8heriif. Court having Dean regularly opened, the following proesedings were had, to-wlt:-- Ho. L88, Yerr County, ,looonnts •12owed. ~ooonats agaieat ~rr Conntd allowed ae shown in Yinntee of 4ooonnte of ~ommiaeionere' Court Book 8 oa pages 138 Yt.aeQ. whioh are hereby referred to and made a part of these minutes. .E84 -o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o- Lrr Oonaty, Atrip of bmd E6 it. by 866 St. Yonohsr for j1E.60 !e ordered dx'mwn on Hood and Bridge Fend lpport Lo Commissioners' Preoinot Ho.4, of Yerr County, as pnrohsae prioe for strip of land par from Orrla Oarlend end wife for road purposes out of Survey Ho.lEB, F. Trevino, near tl:s town of Ingram, Tszas. Bo.EBb. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.o-o- Ysrr County. Oifioere Reports. Quarterly rsport• oi, A.B.williameon, bounty Treasurer, J.R.Lee~ell, County Clerk and E.H.Tnsner, Jnetioe of Peea• Preoinot Ho.l, 8err Connty,Tezas,wsre sarimined approved. .E84. rr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Transfer of Fonds. The sum oi~8t.t1 ie hereby ordered transferwed from Speoisl Fund to Hood Dietriat Fend He.l, sad the enm of 70 oasts Se oleo ordered transferred from Speoiel Fend to Court Honee asd Jail Fnnd to bnlenoe said aoaonnta. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0•-- IIo.E97. tERB COCHTY. ~pportioment of beats-Highway Fnnd. The sum of ~8b0.00 is ordered apportiosWa~:to the four Commissioners' Road Yreoinots as follows: The enm of ~6'616dC*apportioned to Preoinot 7e71; Ths 6nm of ,161.60 apportioned td Preoinot 1o.H; the anm of ~110.b0 apportioned to Prsoiaot Ho.8, end the enm of ~E46.80 apportioned to Preoinot Ho,4. -o-o-o-o-o-a.o-o-o-o-- COUHTY. Panpars for new ~narter. Ths fallowing named persons are •aoh allowed the enm of X1.00 per month for Jwae aad,Jal~: V1H1-